And then TAG goes up in a reachable location...
Inglewood QLD and a long weekend. I think YES.
I had some stuff to do before I left, so didn't get away until about 11:30am on Saturday morning. Planned to get fuel at the Spence servo and now it is closed! I consoled myself with a pie from the bakery and then decided against backtracking, if the fuel light was on before Murrumbateman I would get fuel there, otherwise at Yass. I rolled out onto the Barton Highway and it was just an easy cruise... I was just starting to get settled and I was at Yass already, bugger have to stop for fuel.
Fuelled up quickly and winced at the $20 (roughly) it cost and underway again... turned off to Boorowa and rolled straight through to Cowra. Very different from last time I went that way, the sun was shining and it was warm with just a hint of coolness in the air. The perfect day to be out on a motorcycle.
The current spelling word is CROSSCONTINENTAL so with that in mind I stopped at the Cowra Hotel for a C photo.
Headed out towards Canowindra and the road is in fairly poor condition. Lots of large potholes and patches where the road surface is just disintegrating.
Straight through Canowindra and heading towards Cudal I noticed that there were a *lot* of trucks... don't normally see too many trucks on that road, took me a while to realise that with part of the Newell Highway being closed, I guess they have to come that way. That would explain the road surface too...
I had a harley pull in behind me at some intersection and he was sometimes behind me and sometimes way back in the distance. A BMW coming the other way pulled over, gave me the wave to let me know he was OK.
At Cudal I stopped to take another C photo and just as I was getting ready to continue the BMW came past.
So I pulled out behind him but he then pulled over and did a u-turn and went back the other way... okay! Onto Molong where I stopped for fuel, just came back out from paying and there was the BMW. "Are you lost!" I enquired, and it turns out he was. He was heading to Ipswich (don't know where from but the bike had WA plates on) and had been diverted from the Newell at West Wyalong and now had no idea where he was... and no maps either. I tried to tell him a really awesome way he could go but he looked at my map and decided he was going to go to Dubbo and straight up the Newell... fair enough! I left and never saw him again, hope he made it okay.
Up the Mitchell Highway to Wellington and then finally time to leave the highways behind for a bit, turned off to Gulgong where I stopped for a bit of a break in the shade of a tree, then on my way to Coolah I found an L
Leadville for an L... if I ever get all the letters in between!
Coolah for fuel, straight past the pub although I was tempted by my memory of the steak dianne and the comfy bed... my goal now was to reach Mullaley before dark o'clock.
The road was fairly damaged in places here too, and the roadworks haven't changed from a few weeks ago. I still love this road and the part north of Premer (where I usually join the road) was exceptionally pretty in the late afternoon sun.
Stopped at Tambar Springs for a T photo
Then onto Mullaley for a longer break at the rest area there, watching the sun that was almost all the way down. I started thinking about where I was going to spend the night and after consulting my map decided that the campground it indicated at Lake Keepit might be the way to go.
The last of the sunshine at Mullaley.
I rolled out and headed for Gunnedah. I pretty much had the highway to myself and just at the start it was really nice, but towards Gunnedah it was a bit of a strain as it was getting a bit too dark for the tinted visor and I was getting cold.
Fuel in Gunnedah, swapped visors and added my flanno under my jacket, bought a sandwich to have for my dinner and headed off, next stop Lake Keepit.
I was a bit worried as there was still a fair amount of water around, and last time I went through Carrol the causeway was flooded and I wasn't sure I wanted to do that in the dark - but all was good, it was dry! Yay!
Turned off for Lake Keepit and wasn't game to do more than about 60km/h. There was a ute way off in the distance in front of me doing about the same. I eventually caught up to them at the turn off to the campground and got there only to find the gates shut but some dudes were there... apparently there was some jazz thingo on that night by the lake. They said the state reserve guys were being a bit funny about letting people in so I decided that I would keep going. My map had also advised me of a rest area just out of Barraba that was an overnight stop also so I decided to go and check that out.
As soon as I was back on the road to Manilla two big roos hopped away in the headlights - they looked kinda like ghosts, was a bit creepy. Anyway crawled along to Manilla, part way the big reddish moon started to rise - so beautiful. I stopped and looked at it for a bit.
There was a fair on in Manilla and the rides lit up the night sky. I stopped under a streetlight to add my jumper as it was getting very cold, then back on and continued up the road towards Barraba. Just out of town I found the rest area and there was no one else there... I checked it out and there was a couple of roadways, some picnic tables and loos. I found a spot under some trees out of the lights and rolled out my swag. I was very scared! I had one bite of my sandwich and the rest went in the bin (I give up on servo sandwiches, they used to be good but the last two I have had were both terrible!) so I crawled into my swag hungry. And lay there for ages jumping at every little noise! hahaha.
At about 4:30am I woke to the sound of a car pulling in... they paused next to me and then continued on a bit. Car doors and after a few minutes the car started up again and they sat there for ages just idling with the lights off... I was petrified! I don't know why. But eventually (Finally!) they left and I went back to sleep, awaking at about 7:00am.
I unzipped the swag and had a look at my surroundings in the daylight - to my right was a hill, with the sun getting ready to poke his head out and some slight mist and a skippy hopping away up the hill... magical. Took my time packing up and chilling out and eventually got underway.
Rolled through Barraba (hope the Barraba crew heard my telepathic shout out as I went through! I am sure they did :D )
It was a bit on the cool side but what a fabulous morning for a ride!!!! The hills were pretty, the trees were pretty, the grass was pretty, the road was pretty.... you get the picture.
After all the rain we have had lately the sun was most welcome.
It seemed all too soon I was at Warialda. Fuelled up and then headed north towards Yetman. Another road that has sustained a fair amount of damage, potholes big enough to swallow a ZX6R whole!
Right onto the Bruxner Highway then left and over the border. I note a large grassy area with some camps set up, looks like a lovely spot but I have way too far to go to be thinking about stopping yet. In Texas there is some bike thingo event on, the main street is closed and there are people everywhere. Nevermind, I bypass it all and then The.... Most..... Boring..... part of my whole trip (I don't know why, it just was), the however far it is from Texas to Inglewood. It was just monotonous. Anyway finally after an age or two Inglewood appeared and I took a chance and turned right and found the tag location.
But there were some other bikes in my way! LOL. Mike and Maureen had waited for me. I snapped my photo and then I nearly forgot about the 'surprise' on the back of the sign. I retrieved the card and we retired to a nearby cafe with a handy power point so I pulled out itty bitty and TAG I'm it! (thanks for not snatching it guys!) Moved it down the road to the Ebor Falls Hotel.
A quick coffee and sandwich and M & M head back east and I head south. It was really starting to heat up now and I was feeling a bit dozy so stopped at Texas for fuel and a chocolate and a V while I sat in the shade and consulted my map for a bit. The best way to go would be back the way I came but I don't like to do that, so I turned left onto the Bruxner and then went down that way to Inverell. It was quite nice! But very hot. Pulled up under a tree in Inverell for another map consult. I wanted to go to Coonabarabran as I had an urge to go for a ride through the Warrambungles NP (very pretty) but I also wanted to do this other road on my map that I hadn't done before which would take me towards Uralla (I think). I decided that the road could wait, and I headed west towards Moree. Back through Warialda and then I got stopped at some roadworks.
I was a bit worried about what was down the bottom of the detour but it was fine :)
Cruised on, there were lots of signs warning of flood damaged pavement but none of it was too bad (well for a bike, just ride around the damaged bits).
Was really warming up now, stopped for fuel in Moree and bought a powerade as well - that helped, I almost immediately felt better after having some of that (I had of course been drinking lots of water as well). Set off down the Newell, with the open fields. I don't know why, I should hate the Newell but I actually really enjoy it. More trucks than cars, and I love trucks. It's a road that really goes places. I don't know how to explain it but I love being out there. Coming into Bellata and a truck flashes me. At the last minute I spot the rest area, so quickly pull up to the left to turn around and go back to it... and notice that is where constable care is set up! Oh well, I pulled up on the other side of him and had some more of my powerade. Not long after he rolled out and headed south and I never saw him again.
Straight through Narrabri and into the Pillaga Forest. The day was drawing to a close and the sun was flickering through the trees. Into Coonabarabran where I got fuel and pulled up at the Coona Fish & Chips. The fish and chips were TERRIBLE. I ate most of it anyway, chatted with a guy who has a busa and a triumph for a bit... he had bought a car in Melbourne and was driving it back to QLD. He didn't know about all the road closures, had no map (just a GPS) and was pretty screwed... and the servos had all sold out of maps! So when he was diverted he was a bit lost. Talked about bikes for a bit then he bypassed the fish and chip shop on my recommendation. (It was seriously bad).
I had noted a rest area out towards Mullaley and I set off to try and find it. I found one at Oxley's Crossing but I didn't think that was the right one so kept going.... and never found it. Ended up in Mullaley and then turned around and went back. I stopped at the Oxley's Crossing one and thought about staying there but chickened out in the end. I passed back through Coonabarabran (!) and headed south on the Newell until I finally found a rest area. I was just doing a u-turn to park better when I realised there was a better rest area on the other side, so I went there, there were two trucks parked up so I stopped at the picnic hut and set up my camp in there. Not long after another truck came and parked near to that. I was very quickly asleep. I heard another truck pull in, and only heard one truck leave.
I woke up at about 6:30am and forced myself to get up (I was quite warm and cozy). This was the view I woke up to this time.
I do love trucks :D
I once again took my time packing up, very relaxed.
I managed to roll the swag up a bit better today as well - the day before I had not been able to see very much in my mirrors! lol.
I was just about to pull out onto the highway and head back to Coonabarabran when I thought I better have another piccie.
It was a pretty chilly ride back into Coonabarabran. I rode through to the national park and had a nice ride through there checking stuff out.
Then it was back into Coona for fuel (again!) and I bought a pie from the bakery and a coffee from the Jolli Cauli Cafe (looks pretty good) and had my pie and coffee while watching the world go by.
Realised I had better get cracking so off I went, it was time to do another new road - the one through Binnaway to Coolah so off I went. A few of the causeways still had water flowing across the bottom of them but nothing too much. It was a really nice ride through here and all too soon I was back at Coolah getting fuel again. I noticed they had some home made cakes in the fridge so it was carrot cake washed down with blue powerade - yummo! :D
Headed towards Mudgee, stopped at Turill to get another T
and Eurunderee for an E
Stopped a while in Mudgee and then headed south towards Lithgow. A very pretty part of the countryside, especially as you get closer to Lithgow with the sites of the blue mountains.
Ilford for an I
Then onto Lithgow for a good break and some food. It was getting a bit cooler so I added the flanno here.
Headed out towards Oberon and I had a really good run through to Hampden. Just beautiful. (not beautiful enough to take a pic apparently though).
Stopped at the Abercrombie river (where it was warm) to put on as much clothing as I could possible fit on and continued on, shivering my way through Taralga... then it got foggy! So I rolled into a foggy Goulburn just on dusk.
I then had the privilege of paying $9 for a burnt toasted ham and cheese sandwich and a hot chocolate that was so hot I burnt my tongue :( I got some cold milk for my hot chocolate and ate my charcoal flavoured toasted sanga and then braved the elements and got back on the bike for the final stint into Canberra.
And it warmed up! LOL. (or maybe it was all that warmness in my belly....)
There was a fair amount of traffic heading back... and the time passed quickly and soon enough I was home. The first thing I did was jump in the shower.
So it was the tight arse tour because I didn't spend a single cent on accommodation and not much on food either. But damn I spent a lot on petrol :o/ I think I need a cheaper hobby as I have now spent all my fortnights allowance :( Oh well at least it was fun :D
Beaut! Something else in common Mel, I too love admire Trucks and that lot, once upon a time I was going to be a Truckie.... FarRider will do :-) So glad you scored the good weather too! Anny
ReplyDeleteThanks Anny! I have thought about getting my truck licence... I have a hard enough time driving a car let alone a truck though! Pity nobody wants to pay me to deliver stuff far away by motorcycle LOL (I think being a courier in town would drive me nuts). I guess though if that were to happen, and somehow someone wanted to pay me to ride to far away places, I wonder if it would get as monotonous as my office job? hmmmm.....