In the lead up... I was planning on going and getting the tag up on the QLD border. Friday night I was at mum’s trying to fix her computer when the rally pack came through... a quick glance, ah the solar system drive! I had seen quite a few of them over the years but in some of the locations I had no idea there was a planet. I don’t have a printer at home and I didn’t want to use up much of mum’s ink so I just printed out the page with the map of the planets on it and went home. Over the next couple of days I went and visited a lot of the planets, I noted the precise location of the ones I did find as they would be an absolute bitch to find in the dark (I hadn’t read the precise location of them on the webstie). Indeed in the dark I rode straight past the Goolhi Road one twice, no idea of where it was. I had also determined that there was NO WAY IN HELL I would be going up to the observatory if it was not full daylight... I worked out a plan that saw me getting all the planets relatively easy... and so I awaited the CURVEBALLS. And when they came I was pleasantly surprised – they were not as unachievable (to me) as last year, HURRAH! A short detour saw me getting Temora with ease, my plan already had me going through Scone and it was only a short hop up to Uralla. On Thursday I made two new plans, one which saw me also going to Goondiwindi, and I decided to make up my mind which plan I would follow in the morning (remembering there was another curveball to come that night...) When it came (right on bedtime) I was again pleasantly surprised.... my plan had me getting into Coonabarabran at 6:30pm! I didn’t think I’d make the one ‘up the hill’ though. Awesome. Went to bed and pretended to rest while staring up at the ceiling.
Friday, 30 March 2012
I was up at 5:15am for the few last minute preparations. I had some raisin toast and a coffee while checking to see if there were any last minute updates – the only one of note was the change to the weather forecast – apparently Tamworth (where I had a rough plan of overnighting) was expecting storms that night.... hmmmmm.
At about 6:30am I got dressed up in all the layers (it was a balmy 7 degrees in Canberra...) and wriggled the bike out of the garage. Finally 7am came about, snap snap start photos taken, text sent (forgot the ‘starting now’ so a second text sent!) Off to Kippax (3km away) to get my start receipt. I had fuelled up the night before – it was public service pay day the day before and the servo was busy (as expected) so just got an ATM receipt. Checked the details, all good, quick note in the log and I was off
The fog got progressively thicker as I headed to Yass. The commuters were starting to head into town so there was plenty of traffic coming in the opposite direction. The fog was so thick I didn’t see the golden arches until I was right on top of them, bypassed them and was starting to worry about how I was going to see any oncoming traffic in this fog when I had to turn right across the freeway for the Harden turn-off... the weather gods must have been smiling upon me as about 2km before the turn the fog lifted and I made my right hand turn with the sun beaming down upon me. Before long the fog was back but not for long, just in dribs and drabs as I passed through Binalong and by the time I got into Harden it was cold but the sun was definitely there to stay.
On through Cootamundra, Bethungra and Ilabo and the first fuel stop at Junee. I purchased my first sugar free gum and my receipt called it ‘sweets’! Still cold as I rolled out west, Old Junee, Coolamon, and onto my First Point Location at Grong Grong.
Stopped at the Grong Grong sign for my FPL photo and then passed the pub (didn’t look like anyone was about) and over the other side of the tracks was the general store/post office. Purchased some gum and asked for a receipt.... and my receipt said 29/3/12 and 9:41 (it was 30/3/12 and 10:43!!) I hand amended the receipt and the staff were very amused at my concern about the wrong information on the docket. Oh well, what can one do??
Now I could start collecting points
Out the other side of town, just got up to speed and I spotted a water tower... nevermind I will find another one (I never saw another one). Ardlethan for an “A” for “planet” then a right hand turn, heading for Temora. At Temora I got a “T” for “planet” and I meant to get another “E” but didn’t find somewhere good to park... will get another one down the road. At Reefton I got an “E” for “planet” and a grain silo – it was starting to warm up now!
Coming into Barmedman I spotted the cemetery as I went sailing by so a quick u-turn and I snapped the cemetery and removed the first layer here. The police station in town had a police car parked in the driveway, I stopped but there was too much trees in the way so I figured I’d find another one down the road (I didn’t!). Next stop was Wyalong, got fuel and bought a V before heading into the car park... I reversed into the last shady car park and then a car came along and squeezed in beside me... like dude, I could hardly even get out from beside my bike!!!. I had a bread roll and my V while checking my progress and removing even more layers and then Nev rolled in, got fuel and pulled up nearby, we had a bit of a chat while he stripped off some layers too (it really was warming up). He noted that he had just enough time to get to Siding Spring Observatory before the 6:30pm closure if he only stopped for the essential spelling and planet photos. He was very quickly back on the road and I thought about it for a moment... yeah if Nev can do it so can I! Lol! I had pretty much planned on getting all my spelling photos before Coonabarabran (except for the N) and on the way to Parkes I reworked that plan in my head and figured out where I could pick up a lot of the letters later. So I passed Nev stopped at Parkes taking a pic and I stopped at the Alectown sign for an “L” for “planet” and Nev pulled up behind me... he is fast, he was outta there before I was! Lol. He stopped at Tomingley and I passed him there and then I stopped at Peak Hill for a “P” for “planet” and Nev passed me and stopped at a different Peak Hill sign hahaha so I was back out in front. I stopped at Dubbo for a “D” for “ride” and no Nev... I found the Visitor Centre and snapped my first Pluto and had a bit of a break for some water (it was really hot now) and then I made the mistake of forgetting about all the other servos in Dubbo and just going to the one I usually fill up at.
Now when I usually fill up in Dubbo it is around 9pm and very quiet. There is only one premium pump and both sides were blocked by cars with trailers and no drivers to be seen. I waited for a bit, getting some more water into me and then I thought it would be good to go to the bathroom while waiting for the drivers to appear so I did so... I heard one car start up and drive off and as I walked out another car pulled in, again blocking the premium pump. I swore a bit... in the end I think I was there for about half an hour (the eftpos machine was broken as well).
Eventually got underway again, stopped at Gilgandra for a Neptune photo and an “I” for “ride” and then on to the Tooraweenah rest area for Uranus and then my first Saturn. Off again and I am watching the clock and I realise it is going to be super tight to get to Siding Spring before 6:30pm. I was starting to stress about that a bit and in the end I decided that I wasn’t going to even try, and instead turned off on the Binnaway Road and got the second “Saturn” instead.
Got into Coonabarabran and found Clint and Drain at the visitor centre... and it was 6:28pm. Quick chat with them then onto the servo for fuel. Stopped at the last Saturn on my way out of town and a station wagon pulled up to make sure I was okay, that was nice
It was getting on in the day and I decided not to go up to the observatory and just went out to Goolhi Road turn off to get the next Uranus, and swapped visors here – Crappy and pulled up for his photo and a bike came through from Mullaley – quick brake and u-turn and there were three of us there. I headed back towards Coona and three or four bikes passed the other way – right turn back onto the Newell and I was in the Pilliga Forest. I was a bit nervous about this stretch as it was fully dark now – I had never gone past Coona before in the dark as the truckies have always warned me about the forest at night, pigs and roos oh my! But I didn’t see anything. Stopped and got another Uranus then as I was pulling out a truck came by so I tucked in behind him (well a fair distance behind) and followed him to the Pillage 2 rest area where I got Neptune. There were plenty of campers at the rest areas... they must have hated all the motorcycles pulling in and all the flashes.
Narrabri for fuel, a much needed visor clean, a snacky and an “N” for “planet”. Headed up to Bellata where I had a nice 4WD to follow, got my Pluto pic and the other “E” I needed for “ride” and now I was done with the spelling. Back to Narrabri... I debated whether or not I should get fuel... nah she’ll be right I thought. Turned off for Gunnedah and was behind two trucks and a bike came past me and the first truck and quickly past the second. I eventually got past the trucks and saw the bike in front every now and then. Stopped in Boggabri to add another layer as it was getting pretty cold now and then into Gunnedah for another Neptune and also found the Gunnedah Hotel. Thought about getting fuel but again... she’ll be right!
I had passed a rest area a few weeks back just outside of Gunnedah and I had thought that might be a good place to stop. I pulled in and spotted the big picnic shelter, got around the otherside and it was already occupied!! (by Nev! I can’t believe I didn’t wake you with headlights shining on you!) so I pulled back out and kept going, figuring I’d check out the next one... which wasn’t until Tamworth! I pulled into the Tamworth rest area across from the airport with my fuel light flashing FUEL FUEL YOU NEED FUEL!, and with 5 minutes to spare for the rest bonus. A quick snap of Pluto and I looked around and just pushed the bike about two metres, did the necessary photo thing, rolled out my swag and crawled in. I first of all set my alarm for 3:15, then lay down and closed my eyes.
Then I sat up and reset my alarm for 3:30am and lay back down and closed my eyes.
Then I sat up and reset my alarm for 4:00am and lay back down and closed my eyes.
(I like my sleep okay).
I woke up again at 3:20am. I lay there for a while wanting to get up and get going but not wanting to leave the warmth of my sleeping bag. At about 3:40 I eventually crawled out, packed everything back up, and was back on the road again at about 4:05am. Fuel and then I headed out towards Uralla. Up the Moonbi hill and then I hit FOG and COLD! It was not very pleasant.
I kept telling myself that the fog would be over soon but it kept going and going... it had come further down. Back into Tamworth as the sky was starting to show some light, stopped for fuel again and rode around town for a bit to see if I could find anything else for some points while waiting for 7am so I could make my second call in
While I was sitting there I worked out that I was just short of 1600km for the first 24 hours... wow.
Just after 7 I did the call in and continued on down the New England Highway, spotted a "B" Gully and pulled up at the one on the other side of the road. At Willow Tree I spotted the Willow Tree Inn so pulled in for a pic there then I saw a sign for a railway station so I turned around and went there too. Checked my messages and the fifth item was to be an engagement ring... I can do that!
Into Scone and I pulled into the big BP to grab a Kit Kat and there were approximately 100 harleys there (probably an exaggeration). They said something to me about my helmet as I went in, I don’t know what, then while I was filling out my log they decided that their ride that day was going to be to maccas next door. I kid you not. Oh well, I had a little chuckle to myself before reminding myself about all kinds then continued on to find the next horsie, there were some girls playing around taking photos, too bad girls, you are now in my photo! Spotted the turn off to Merriwa and that was a great bit of road that I had not done before!
Soon enough I was in Merriwa and tried to guess which side of town the next Pluto might be at... I guessed wrong but I found an info sign that told me where it was
My lack of sleep from the night before was starting to show here, it took me a while to get going (pack everything up, oh I have to change visor. Change visor and pack everything up, oh I have to change gloves... lol). Snapped Pluto on my way out of town and then about 20km down the road I remembered that I was supposed to get fuel at Merriwa... oops! Did some calculations, the signs had told me it was another 100ish kms to Dunedoo from Merriwa... how far to Coolah? I wasn’t sure but I thought it was closer (Coolah was where I wanted to go). Promptly my fuel light came on. Eventually I came to the Coolah turn off and checked my map – about 40km to Coolah, which would have me at about 290km from this tank which in theory is definitely doable but I have never done it. Eventually I pulled into Coolah with the FUEL FUEL YOU NEED FUEL flashing at me... and I still had 1.5L left (hurrah for riding like a girl)
Through town to snap the next Neptune, waved to Mick and Lynne on the way through, snapped a pic of the pharmacy they were parked outside of on my way back through then off to snap Uranus at Dowd Road and then through Binnaway (newsagency and golf club pic), New Mollyann for the last remaining Uranus pic and started heading for Mendooran. It was really getting quite warm now and I was getting quite tired so when I got to Dunedoo I got my last Neptune pic then moved the bike up to the next tree, grabbed my water and sat down under the tree and closed my eyes for a while. Tigerbill came in (but tricked me in his versysbill disguise) then went around to the rest area, eventually I was feeling revived so I went around too and we chatted for a bit before I headed off to snap my last Pluto pic, then into Gulgong for an engagement ring... I got a beauty!
Then the final short stint into Mudgee, pulled into the visitor centre where there was already plenty of bikes parked up.
Got all my documentation and bits and pieces together and handed it all over to Drain, including my beautiful flashy rocky ring. Chat chat chat, drank a lot of water, heard about Ron, WTF?
Eventually over to the motel and my long awaited shower. I was not allowed to even think about lying down on the bed even for a minute so I headed into the reception to try and find out where I was going, found Lynne and Mick so we made our way to the RSL – dinner and chatting about the rally and all manner of things and then it was bed time. Lay in bed listening to the drunken people not being able to find their rooms for a bit and then it was 6:30am. What? I cannot be awake at 6:30am. So I made myself lie there for another half hour until I was so bored I just had to get up. Coffee. I need it. I had it. (and eggs benny as well... yummo).
Met up with Zedpilot at the visitor centre for the trip back to Canberra and we headed out under a glorious sky. Held up for a while at roadworks which meant we then had traffic the whole way pretty much to Bathurst hahahaha (I’m used to having empty roads). On the road to Sofala we were held up behind two *very* slow Harleys, of the kind who go insanely slow around corners but gun it on the straights... eventually we got past them... had a chuckle at the ‘funaz’ number plate (didn’t look like much fun... takes all kinds Mel, takes all kinds) past Sofala and into Bathurst and then Cowra for fuel (didn’t see the bikes at the Mobil!) went to the BP as the last few times I went to the Mobil they didn’t have premium! There were heaps of bikes at the BP, mostly BMW’s. Turns out they were the Ducati Club
Once again another awesome rally!
(all the pictures can be seen here: )
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