You have been warned!
I had decided it was about time I registered for a FR12. From home to Nambucca directly according to Google Maps is about 771km. Every way I dragged the route to came in between 1000 and 1100 – perfect for a FR10 lol! Eventually a few days before kick off I came up with a ride plan that even included fuel stops, heading out to Condobolin first off. I finalised it all on the Thursday before leaving work and when I got home I realised that it was forecast for up around 34 degrees out at Condobolin... I don’t travel overly well in the heat, I get too sleepy. So Friday morning saw me stuffing around on Google Maps again and eventually it was 12:20am, I had a ride plan including fuel stops mapped out BUT I was not packed and still in my pyjamas. Oops.
Quickly threw together what I needed (I have lost the art of packing lightly) and set off for Kippax to get my start docket (1:08pm).
I headed out on the Barton Highway under grey skies but it was dry. Passed by Yass, on through Boorowa and as I approached Cowra there was a really, really big black nasty looking cloud off to my right. Hmmmm I thought, I might need the plastic suit... will keep an eye on it, as I appeared to be riding around it. Suddenly the temperature dropped by about 20° and I got hit by some hail. Ouch. Hail stopped and I continued along, thinking I was definitely going to be riding around this storm when the road turned to the right and I was in amongst it... some seriously heavy rain, the road was so covered in water that I couldn’t see it, let alone pick somewhere safe to get into the plastic suit (nevermind, within a couple of minutes I was soaked to the skin) I slowed down and before too long caught up with a car (could barely see the tail lights and I was about three metres behind) following them helped as I could see where the bigger puddles of water on the road were when they hit them
Heading towards Blayney I spotted an FJR coming the other way with the rider covered in fluro yellow. They gave me a big wave and I gave them a big wave but apparently big waves from the hunched up position on the 6 are not particularly effective. I thought it might have been Toura and it turned out I was correct
Fuel at Blayney and I stood glorying in the sun for a brief period but there were plenty of kms to go so before long it was back on the bike and continuing down the highway, my jacket being wind-dried as I went along (my feet were a lost cause I think).
As I got closer to Lithgow the sky ahead was black once again and I was determined that I was going to stop and get the plastic suit on in time this time... however I knew that I needed to turn left onto the Castlereagh highway so I took the gamble... I got closer and closer and closer and just when I thought I would have to give in and stop on the shoulder there was my left turn and I waved goodbye to that lot of big black nasty clouds.... suckers
I like that part of the Castlereagh Highway. I was getting a bit cold and the clouds were looking a bit rainy so I gave in and stopped at Capertee (I needed the bathroom as well so that worked well) and OMG I love my flanno
In 2007 Kathleen and I went to the motoGP at Phillip Island. I was a little unprepared and ended up purchasing a flanno from Coles at Cowes while I was there. Now it is one of my favourite riding garments and I don’t care how much youse all pay me out about my ‘classy’ flanno, I love it.
My flanno was warm and dry and felt like a big warm hug when I put it on. I spent a minute savouring the feel of warm soft flannel against cold dampish skin before realising the nearby grey nomads were looking at me funny so I proceeded with the windmill dance of wriggling into my plastic suit, hopped aboard the six and roared away (like a girl).
I noted signs at Ilford and Running Stream....
A couple of years ago I was out and about and I happened to end up in Mudgee in the bucketing down rain. I fuelled up at the Caltex in town and took refuge under the verandah of an empty shop across the road and sat there eating my pie and watching the world go by. Whilst sitting there a green car with bikes on the back pulled up – Macca and Bogan checking I was okay.
So today I fuelled up at that same Caltex, got a wagon wheel instead of a pie and rode straight under that same verandah of the still empty shop and watched to see if Macca and Bogan would turn up (they didn’t). I also watched the lightning show and jumped at most of the claps of thunder. It was wild! Before long it all eased up a bit so I hopped back on the 6 and off we went. I wanted to hit the Golden Highway before dark and I did. A nice run through Gulgong and then I took the road that takes you to Dunedoo but I turned right onto the highway. Very soon it was dark and the rain started in again... it was very heavy, and I learned that very heavy, thick, fat raindrops look really pretty in my highbeams
Rolled through Merriwa, Denman, etc, it rained on and off and as I got closer to Singleton it started to warm up a bit – yay! Rolled through Singleton and had all the drunk people look at me, fuel at the BP and then I took my sausage roll down to the park and ate it there (where there were more drunk people but thankfully they didn’t take any notice of me). From here I was supposed to head up to Tamworth and Armidale but I decided to stick to the coast instead as it was nice and warm
I rolled through Branxton etc, god that was annoying, 90/60/80/60/70/90/80/60/70/60/80/60/90 speed zones. It was only 30km but eventually I found the road north and passed Heatherbrae and onto Raymond Terrace. I was getting a bit tired here and I passed two motels with big red NO posted out side... I was supposed to be camping out but when I came to the motel where James and I stayed on our way back from Nambucca in 2008, there was no big red NO so I pulled in. They wanted $110 for the room and I nearly said no, but then I thought about it and couldn’t think of anywhere I might get accommodation that late at night (it was after 11 by that stage) so screw it, I took it. Not the greatest accommodation, my room smelt funny and there was no screen on the window but it was a bed and I had a sleep and got up early the next morning... or so I thought lol.
I used to be so good, I have lost the art. I was up before 6, at 6 I went and got coffee and started packing up (everything was unpacked to dry out overnight) and it was 7 before I got going. Lets do the time warp again (or something).
Before long I realised my clear visor was not appropriate for the super bright and sunny morning, so a quick stop in a rest area to swap visors and rolling north again. I knew I was going to be about 50km short if I just went to Nambucca so with plenty of time up my sleeve I decided to turn off to Wauchope and then do a run up to Long Flat and turn around and come back.
Stopped at Taree – no lithium batteries for SPOT, a quick hello from Tigerbill and some other Ulyssian... one of those Ulyssians who think the whole world revolves around their local branch and their coffee *roll eyes* but I managed to get away from him rather quickly (breathe in breathe out, each to their own Mel, each to their own).
I quickly recalled how much I hate the Pacific Highway along here... I swear it attracts the worst drivers... oh they can do 130 in the overtaking zones but single lane? NO they cannot go above 85 grrrrrrrr anyway I was glad to get away from the hwy. But upon leaving Wauchope I was stuck behind another annoying car... slooooooow on the bends but very fond of putting the foot down on the exit and with the double lines (and having made far too many contributions for ‘unsafe overtaking’) I was just waiting and waiting and waiting for those blessed dashed lines... they didn’t come and I ended up turning around well before Long Flat. Back to Wauchope and a quick stop for the ladies (it was a big coffee) and then I frustrated my way back to Port Macquarie and then up the Pacific with all the annoying drivers (I think there is a reason I love the ‘dusty inland locations’ no other freaking people to get in my way on the road!!!!!!!!) Though Macksville, past Nambucca Heads and there are *alot* of bikes rolling in. Waves to everyone (can anyone see me waving?) turn around at Hungry Head (mmmmm lunch time) and back into Nambucca. Rolled up to the Wall and OMG the place is packed! And it’s way before 12pm. I pull up next to Gadget, had a brief chat and suddenly he is threatening to marry me off!!!!!!!!
Briefly met the other M but was in a bit of a frazzle thinking about check-in and stuff. Checked in and then it was time to relax. Found some crowds of people I knew to hide in, had fish and chips for lunch, which were YUM. It was so HOT and SUNNY and Nambucca! Eventually I was starting to overheat so went and found my little cabin which was straight across from the pool. Into my swimmers and into the pool to cool off before heading back over to the pub and spending the afternoon chatting with various others. Before long it was dinner time (yummo) but I ate too much and drank too much coke and water and ended up hiccupping the evening away
Before too long the pub was closing and we all headed off to bed, where I did battle with a big hairy cockroach before I could go to bed. Ew.
Sunday morning dawned warm and sunny and I had two days to get home... oh yeah
I quickly decided there was NO WAY IN HELL I was slabbing it home and wanted to get off the Pacific Hwy as quickly as possible... yes Waterfall Way it was. I had a beautiful run up the Waterfall Way. I only caught up to one car, at the bits where it was down to one lane, they very quickly pulled over to let me pass... YES.
Stopped at one of the rest areas at the top of the mountain, put the new batteries in SPOT (that I had found at the servo in Nambucca) and consulted my map. I decided that I was going to go to Narrandera for rissoles (after coming under some pressure re the rissole ride on Saturday night) and also to try and do some spelling. Of course I had just been through Raleigh... I briefly thought about heading back down but nah.... I had a nice run through to Ebor (for an E) and Armidale for an A an fuel. It was getting a big chilly so the flanno came back out... have I mentioned how much I love my flanno?
Approaching Uralla I saw a sign for Rocky River. Pulled over and looked at my map – the road from Uralla looked better so into Uralla and hung a right and found a school... that’ll do (though tree plantings made it a bit awkward). Continued on down the New England to Tamworth where HURRAH time to leave the main highway (and time to lose the flanno again – it was HOT). Fuel and headed out for Werris Creek... and saw the HWP coming in... what are they doing out here? Nevermind, I don’t speed (much) so don’t get booked
Right at Werris Creek and I decided that I should take some photos so I stopped after going over a creek (only a little trickle across the road) and under a bridge. Very pretty.
Across the Kamilaroi Highway and onto Premer – heaps of cars out here today, very unusual! Sunday must be a busy day. Heading for Coolah and I decided to stop at the Black Stump Rest Area. Took another photo then chilled out on a bench under a tree with my water, some cookies pinched from the motel on Friday night and my map.
Nope, not going to make Mudgee on this tank of fuel so eventually back on the bike, splash and dash at Coolah and turned right, to take the Ulan way into Gulgong. And another HWP came past! What are they doing out here? LOL.
Past the mines and the big big piles of coal, through Ulan and into Gulgong where there is a train stopped across the tracks. I love freight trains, they are so BIG and so AWESOME and I hardly ever see them. So I got a bit excited and hopped off the bike and was taking pics... I dunno if the car in front just got bored or freaked out by the mad chick taking photos of a stationary train but they quickly did a u-turn and buggered off. I don’t mind, I got into pole position that way!
Eventually the train started moving and off I went, around Mudgee and onto Wellington for fuel again. Was getting a bit grey and gloomy again. Heading down the road for Molong and the little marker signs have an O... I need an O! In all my searching for O’s I overlooked Orange (forehead slap). So Orange for an O, fuel, I bought a drink and a muffin at the servo then headed out on the Escort Way for Eugowra, thinking there might be a park to stop at and have my muffin. No park. On the way out I saw a lady in a blue dress hitch-hiking...
I stopped at the park in Cudal to eat my muffin and have my drink and then the lady in the blue dress turned up. She came over and asked me about the bike, turns out she was interested in getting her licence. In the conversation she mentioned that she lived in Cudal now... eventually she wandered off (I think she was quite drunk, she sure smelled like it) and I did too, passing her out the other side of town as she walked along the road.
In Eugowra it was almost dark and I swapped to the clear visor. Coming into Forbes and I was riding into yet another big black nasty cloud and was treated to the lightning show again. A big bolt of lightning cracked above my head, I squealed and twisted the wrist LOL. Before long it was pelting down with rain and I was soaked to the skin again.... visibility poor and I had to slow right down. Where was my plastic suit? In my bag of course!
I had planned to pull in at the servo to take shelter but before that I saw some automotive business with a nice overhang so I rode across the river that was the edge of the road and straight under the overhang. It was very wet under there but at least I was mostly out of the rain. And guess what! my flanno was dry. Have I mentioned how much I love my flanno?
A big truck with a small truck on the back pulled up and he ran under the overhang to put his jumper on before braving the elements to remove the flashing orange lights from his truck. He came back and we had a bit of a chat for a while, he was only fairly new to truck driving but he was loving it, loving all the different jobs and places his job takes him too. Jealous, I wish I had a job that I loved! He asked which way I came, I told him and he was looking for a roadhouse or somewhere to have dinner. I told him that the pub in Eugowra was doing pizzas that night (the signs out the front said) and he said he would try that. IT wasn’t until later that I realised that he wouldn’t be going through Eugowra, so I gave him bad information and then I felt a little bit bad. He had asked where I was heading and I said Narrandera for rissoles, and he informed me that the rissoles in Narrandera are famous amongst the truckies
The truckie left then I wriggled into my plastic suit, the rain died off a bit and I headed out onto the Newell. It was dark and wet and windy and there were a billion little frogs jumping all over the road, I tried to avoid them but I think I must have squished a few hundred
I still planned to go to Narrandera for rissoles but realised that it was going to be after 10pm by the time I got there. As I approached West Wyalong it started getting a bit cold so I determined that I would try and get a room at the pub (money conservation). I noted a sign at the Budget Motel saying they had a King Single Special $45... serious! I went and checked out the pub and they were $45 as well... so back to the motel lol.
West Wyalong by night is very pretty, the whole main street has party lights!:
I pulled into the Ardeanal Motel and sorted a room. The lady asked me if I had had tea yet, I said no, and she said that the chinese was probably still open for a bit, she organised my chinese and went and fetched it for me while I got out of my wet gear. How awesome is that? She said that she just hoped one day if she was in a similar situation someone would do the same for her. SO I got into some dry gear and had my satay beef and it was lovely! The bed was really comfy and I had a great sleep.
Monday morning was quite grey and dismal in West Wyalong. Still beats going to work by a billion times infinity. I realised after I was showered and starting to pack up that my camera battery was just about dead. SO I hung around for a bit longer while that charged up and then set off down the road for Reefton (forgetting that I already had Rocky River for an R) and then over to Ilabo for an I... I stopped in front of the fire shed rather than the town sign for something different (I have been to Ilabo a lot lately LOL). After I took my pictures a car left the pub and rolled to a stop next to me. “Your helmet would just have to be the coolest thing ever” said the lady (well words to that effect). I thanked her, she asked if I was looking for somewhere to have a cuppa as I could come to theirs, I declined as I had places to be etc. She then looked at my bike “Oooh that’s a fast bike” she says “you be careful out there on that” I agreed to be careful as her husband, obviously sick of the conversation, started driving away. A little chuckle from me and back through the outskirts of Junee and onto Coolamon and Narrandera.
Arrived in Narrandera with it starting to rain. Fuelled up at the servo and went and ordered my rissoles. I asked to have them with no vegies, just mash, “oh no they are already made up on the plate so you have to have them as they come” says the lady. Fair enough, I pay her my $11.85 and find a seat and wait.
And wait
And wait
And wait
Eventually I enquire as to the whereabouts of my rissoles, seeing as it has been about 45 minutes... “they’ll be with you very shortly” says the other lady... I think they were forgotten about. About five minutes later they were on my table and I picked my way around the peas and corn (gross). They were good... but not as good as I remembered them being. So I don’t think I will be doing the rissole ride (if the same lady is serving I don’t think she’d cope with us lot turning up anyway).
After lunch I was talking to the lady at the next table when... the lady in the blue dress walks past the window... this time she has a big bag with her. Weird.
So after an extended stop in Narrandera it was time to head home. A few weeks ago I had seen a sign for “Oura Beach” so I decided to go and check that out (also it would cut out the highway bit from Wagga to Gundagai). My map showed the road I needed to take being just north of Wagga on the road to Junee... stuffed if I know where it was, I didn’t see it signposted! Nevermind, turned off for Harefield and went to Oura that way. I headed towards the beach but then the road turned to gravel and I couldn’t see much of what it was like and it was starting to rain so I left it and turned around. Through Gundagai and out to the Tuckerbox for fuel and then it was the slab home under grey skies. Upon crossing the border it started raining on my head but it was dry out at home (though not pretty!).
1221 km to get to lunch and a total of 2853 for the weekend. And my Road 3’s are still going strong
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