We were supposed to be meeting at 8:30am for a 9:00am departure but a late post on the forum suggested a meet time of 8:00am…. so I duly rolled out to Hume and got there at 8:15am, and nobody else was there. I had already filled up at home so I parked and went inside to get a go-go juice and stock up on the fags.
Eventually everybody was there and after a bit of a chat we were ready to roll…
The line up was:
Bec (Monster)
Sheree (Baby Ninja)
Angela (Harley)
Sue (Scoota)
Me (The gorgeous ZX9R)
Bec (Monster)
Sheree (Baby Ninja)
Angela (Harley)
Sue (Scoota)
Me (The gorgeous ZX9R)
We bored our way to Cooma sitting on the speed limit - it was very strange to be overtaken by cars! We stopped in at Polo Flat for some breakfast and Ang topped up the fuel and then we cruised out through Nimmitabel and onto Bombala. We topped up the fuel and then went over to the shops for some supplies. They wanted like $20.00 for a four pack of Jimmy… a FOUR PACK!!!!! disgraceful, so instead Bec and I went halvies in a bottle of Jimmy and bought a good supply of coke. We all had a giggle as the girls bought passion pop and spumante LOL.
Back to the bikes, loaded up all our supplies and Bec asked me to lead us down the mountain so we rolled out through Cathcart and then onto Mt Darragh. This is only the second time I have ever gone down Mt Darragh (been up like 100 times) and it was *much* better than last time. I just cruised down the mountain, had a good rythym going and I really enjoyed it.
I pulled up outside the cottage and hopped off and opened up the garage for when the girls got there… still couldn’t hear them so got my bike inside and turned around and then they came, waved them in and then it was time to check out our accommodations for the evening.
We had stayed here previously back in late 2006 and it was just as gorgeous. It is called Lizzy’s Settlers Cottage and is right on the edge of Wyndham. We got out of the bike gear and retired to one of the verandahs to relax and chat. Before long it was bourbon o’clock :o)
Unforunately the bourbon didn’t last all that long and it was just getting dark when we all headed up to the Robbie Burns Hotel for dinner.
Last time we were there they had an awesome menu… this time they had a choice of Chicken Schnitzel burger, Chicken Schnitzel, Calamari, Steak sanga or fish tails. We started making enquiries only to be informed “ain’t got no calamari”, “ain’t go no steaks”, “The fish is frozen” so it was chicken schnitzel burgers all round.
We got drinks and headed outside and eventually ended up in a corner of the beer garden. One chicken schnitzel burger came out, then two more. “Last one” the lady says… well no, there’s two more! Fourth one comes out “last one” she says again… NO!!!! one more. They were very good though
The menu had also advertised Pavlova so a couple of the girls went to order that “ain’t got no pavlova” hahahahaaaa Sara Lee’s frozen cheesecake it was to be! Sheree tried to order a lemon lime and bitters and got a lemon squash, bitters and lemon lol. Eventually the cheesecake came (after we went in to chase it up). The “one man band” they had advertised started up, he was alright but not what we had been after, so we all headed back up to the house around 10pm (so I am informed, I have no idea) where I promptly crawled into bed and knew no more (missed the bed olympics next door, I think I did well to sleep through that!!).
Woke up about 7am to hear the jug boiling. I stuck my head out “ooooooh coffee” yep there was coffee but no milk. Stuff that, back to bed for a bit before properly getting up.
We sat around for a while then Bec and Sheree headed up to the shop to get breakfast supplies and coffee! Bec cooked up a wicked bacon and eggs for us all and before long we tidied up, packed up and were underway.
Once again Bec asked me to lead so I took us over Myrtle Mountain (hi skippy!) and into Candelo where I pulled up to wait for the others, they rolled past and I pulled in behind them and onto Bemboka for Ang to get fuel again. Quick smoke and it was time for the Brown :o)))))))))
I led out again and had a good run to the base of the mountain, hit the 60 zone (who’d make that road a 60 zone? Seriously!!!!!!). Caught up to a big arse touring thing just before the overtaking lane so followed him for a couple of corners then out into the overtaking lane and I was goooooooorn. About 3km before the lookout I caught up to a line of traffic behind a slow arse van :o( NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! :o(. I don’t really like doing the dodgy overtaking/forcing myself in between the cars so just sat with the traffic and didn’t get past everyone till pretty much back in the 100 zone :o(. Cruised into Nimmitabel to wait for the others then led the way back into Polo Flat for another fuel up.
A bit of a stand around and chat before saying our goodbyes and heading off for Canberra, I sat up the back of the pack for this.
We bored our way back to Canberra and one of the roads I usually take to get home was closed due to some car show thing being on so I got a bit lost around the parliamentry zone before finally finding my way onto Commonwealth Avenue and then home, got in about 1:30pm.
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