Wednesday 25 February 2009
Wednesday morning dawned fine and cool… yay! Time to hit the road! Wattie & Blurr had arrived the previous evening, PC roared up Kawasaki Place and then Gos rolled up… WTF is that on your head mate? LOL Helmet from the 80’s and awesome goggles!
We kicked off and headed out to Bungendore via Macs Reef Road where eventually MickC rolled in. An easy cruise out through Braidwood and onto the top of the Clyde where we stopped so MickC could get the camera rolling… we set off down the Clyde taking it pretty easy (i.e. I had people in front of me!!!) but it was a good run down (the first time I had taken the 9 down – amazing it took me this long!).
Got to maccas for a feed and just when we were finishing the Sydney crew rolled in… minus Mike-S who hadn’t made the original meet point in time and was following behind and would try to catch up. We waited around at Maccas for a while before Phil texted him and said we would see him at Bega.
We kept cruising, the group mostly staying together, over the rollercoaster, through Mogo, Moruya, Narooma and heading towards Bega. Shortly before Bega Wattie’s bag started dispensing random items onto the road so we pulled up and PC went back to collect his various items (missed a thong though!). Noticed that the Ventura rack had come unstuck on my bike… as had the number plate holder and indicators (which had been banging against the rear tyre… bugger). A quick fix with tape got the rack back in place (one arm had been hanging right down) and the wires for the indicators were cut and stashed in my bag… alright, ghostrider mode!
A very easy cruise into Bega where the boys had some lunch and repaired my Ventura rack (gotta love cable ties). We waited for ages but still no sign of Mike-S so another text to say we’d see him at Orbost and we set off for some funner roads. A nice cruise up to Candelo and then it was seeya boys and we were off over Myrtle Mountain. Regroup at the T-intersection, through Wyndham and off towards the joys that are Mt Darragh. I had a nice cruise up through here, though was a little slow, but that’s okay just worked on my lines a little bit and quite enjoyed it.
Stopped at Cathcart briefly then into Bombala for fuel before hitting the banjo road.
I didn’t really enjoy the first dirt section, was a bit corrugated or something so I went *really* slowly, with poor Ron stuck behind me. Back onto the tar and we regrouped and set off again… Ron had said my hugger was hitting my tyre but I though it was just the edge like it’s been doing for a while, but no. Went along for a little while and it just didn’t feel right, then I could feel something hitting my left foot… not good. Pulled up and the hugger was totally munted. Ron got his tools out so we could try and get it off but no luck, his Kawasaki issue screwdriver broke (!) and I ended up snapping the hugger to get it off and donating it to the Gods of the Banjo Road.
We got going again – Marty had come back to look for us and we met everyone else at the 105km of heaven sign :o). I was feeling a bit off so waved Ron past me and just took it really easy. The second dirt bit was okay, but I was again really slow, Ron waited for me a bit of the way in… eventually it came to an end, smoke break time, YAY!
I told Phil that I was just not on it that afternoon, and not to wait for me, I’d just see them at the pub. We set off and I got overtaken by a bunch of BMW riders (shame). I passed them when they regrouping along the way and then they overtook me again! (more shame). Ah well. I got a good although slow rhythm going and quite enjoyed the run down to Orbost. The boys were waiting for me just before town so we all headed in and lined the bikes up out the front of the pub and then Mike-S rolled in so the group was complete.
We got started on the bourbon and then it was chicken parmie time – yum!
We watched the replay of the footage of the day and then pretty much were all in bed for a reasonably early night.
Thursday 26 February 2009
Woke up, showered and packed then went downstairs for a coffee… bugger it’s not hot yet. Hung around waiting for the water to boil and eventually I deemed it *just* warm enough to drink. Phil, Owen and Mike had all set off super early so the rest of us eventually got going, fuelled up and on our way. Marty led us out for a warm up stretch to Bruthen then Bairnsdale and then out via Bengworden and into Sale for fuel. When we got into Sale he pulled into a servo, I’m thinking ‘what the hell are we stopping already for’ look down and realise it’s time for fuel LOL. Marty wasn’t feeling very well so he headed for home from here and the rest of us followed Wattie who wasn’t 100% sure on where he was going LOL. The fires had been through Churchill and it was very sad to see but the road was in surprisingly good condition and we stopped in Mirboo North for breakfast/morning tea/lunch before the final leg to the Island. We again did that beautiful coast road :o))))))))))))))
Got into Cowes around 2pm???? No idea really. We kicked back for a bit before heading up the road to do our grocery shopping. Ran into Stevo and Esther, Groggles, Toni and KB and Clint (but no Charleen??) in Coles which was cool :o) Back to the love shack to get started on the bourbons (Jimmy this year) before heading into town for a feed (Lasagne yum) and now I can’t even remember what else we did that evening LOL.
Friday 27 February 2009
We got a reasonably early start, Gos worked his bacon and egg magic on the BBQ and before long we were off to the track, with PC taking first duties of dinking me out to the track (thanks Mick!). MickC rode PC’s zeddy, kicking off a weekend of the Crim staying at the shack. Caught up the KSRC crew and various other people, checked out the expo (very empty and very sad with no kwaka stand) and did a lap or two of the track. I am very impressed at my ability to be on the back of a bike with a can of bourbon in each hand (look mum, no hands!!). I think my mum would be disgusted actually LOL.
After the track activities were done it was back home for a bit before heading into town for Pizza Night. The green crew duly gathered outside Jeronimos Pizza, ten pizzas were ordered and a slab of Jimmy obtained from somewhere and it was off to the beach for pizza and gasbagging. Billy decided to head back home pretty early and I followed him – the rest weren’t far behind. Another fairly early night :o)
Saturday 28 February 2009
Back out to the track – Gos on dinking duties today (and MickC on the MFP12). Apparently there was some racing on, watched a bit of that, did a lap, usual track stuff :o) Caught up with Thommo at the track for a bit which was cool :o)
We were hanging around on the fence to watch the last race when two boys in a lot of green approached, Zach Thacerey and his mate (whose name I can’t remember now). We chatted with them for a bit, and I got two hugs and kisses off each of them (wooo!) and then it was time to head home and get ready for the BBQ up at the caravan park. Stopped off at the shops on the way for supplies then kicked back for a while before making the trek to the caravan park. What a fun night! I haven’t laughed that hard since… maybe the last Mitch & Andy get together? Eventually we were asked to leave the caravan park so the Awesome MickC, Billy, Photomike and I headed into town… not much happening but we found plenty of kwaka riders to harass and try and convince them to come visit us at turn 1 the next day (not sure if any of them did. Wouldn’t really blame them if they didn’t!!!! LOL). Ran into Gig as well in the street which was awesome. It was a late night and I didn’t get home until about 6am and I think that is all I will say about that here 
Sunday 1 March 2009
OK one thing I didn’t say about the night before. I made a stupid bet. I do stupid things when I am drunk. There was this *thing* out in the water. I bet it was a boat. Thommo bet it wasn’t a boat. We made drunken definitions of what constitutes a boat (if you are interested, a UFO is a boat). Originally a bottle of Jimmy/Rum was riding on it but then no, Mel has to up the stakes. If it was a boat Thommo had to spend Sunday wearing my kwaka jacket. If it wasn’t a boat, I had to wear his bright red Yamaha t-shirt. I lost :o(
Got out to the track feeling rather fragile and before long Thommo turned up with the T-Shirt of Shame. I did the right thing and wore it, though my Kawasaki jacket did end up being put back on (it was cold, seriously!).
The day went too quickly and before long we were packing up, farewelling the others and heading back to the house.
Went into town for dinner and hung around for a while, getting home around 10pm (no bourbon tonight!).
Monday 2 March 2009
Kick off was at 7am and we were pretty close to being on time! Fuelled up in Cowes and then we were off. Just headed pretty much straight for Morwell (I think). I got separated from the group for a while, caught up in traffic but eventually caught them again. Fuel at Sale(?) then up the A1 to Bruthen where it was turn left for FUN!!!! The roadworks were finally completed on this stretch of road and I eventually got past Mike-S and had a ball! Omeo for fuel/lunch and then up to Hotham, I got overtaken by some dudes on this stretch and then they held me up! Grrrrrr. Regroup up the top, then onto the “photo spot” before heading down… but not too far! The road was blocked off as some over size trucks were coming through… oversize indeed it was a three story chalet in three parts coming up the hill! The bikes were all waved through to the front of the queue and before long we were off again. I’m traditionally not very confident on this stretch of road so waved *everybody* in front of me. Before long I was on the tail of some dude and he waved me past and then sat behind me (sometimes real close, sometimes he’d drop back a bit). Eventually got to the bottom of the hill, the cruised to the Tawonga Gap turn off. I love Tawonga Gap! Not the best run over this time as I was behind Mike-S, I carry greater corner speed and he gets on the throttle harder and carries greater straight speed (I hate getting hard on the throttle, just getting past someone and then having to brake hard into the next corner) so it was a bit of a frustrating run over the Gap, but I cornered well and had some fun anyway.
Then Redbank Road to Tallangatta then Granya Gap. Mike set up on one of the corners on Granya to take some photos, I was a bit off, I’m happy with the lean in the photo but I am too stiff in the posture… picky picky. Anyway the boys all did a few runs past the camera then it was over the hill into Granya for a regroup. I had a very enjoyable run over Granya Gap and waved to Glen’s (sorry MICKC’S) corner. But once we got onto the Murray River Road tiredness hit me big time and I was having troubles maintaining speed etc. Usually we refuel at Walwa but there was no fuel. The boys all set off and I stayed behind to down a red bull (ick) and have a smoke. Right feeling better I jumped back on for the last 20km into Tintaldra. Met them at the turnoff for the Tintaldra Back Road and Mike S was once again set up with the camera so we all rolled into town. We were supposed to be riding two abreast… farrrk I find that hard! Owen kept waving me up and my brain just kept going ‘nononononono’. Pulled up outside the pub for a quick photo and hello to Alf & Maija then back on the bikes, over the bridge and u-turn for more photo opportunity.
Back to the pub and the bourbon was gooooooooooooooooood :o) Lots of bourbon and lots of talking shite and then it was dinner time…. Moussssaaaaaaaaaaka. Fantastic as always. The chilli con carne was a bit extreme though! Awesome feed.
Before long Underbelly was on so most went inside to watch that… MickC and I sat outside feeling the serenity cuz neither of us watch that show. After it was done, we got to watch the days footage and then off to the river for the traditional “sending” to Neka and then pretty much to bed :o) I slept really well for some reason…
Tuesday 3 March 2009
Tuesday morning dawned… a little cloudy. Then a few spots started. Before long it was a fairly constant drizzle. We all got packed and ready to go, breakfast was served and the bikes all brought around the front for another photo shoot.
I tried to be arty…

We then played swapsies, the only people on their own bikes were Mike-S on his Suzuki thing and Owen on his ZX6R. I got to ride Wattie’s crim and it was fun even in the wet and taking it super easy.
Corryong for fuel and then back through Towong, Tooma and onto Elliots Way. I sat at the back and let everyone get pretty much out of site so I could enjoy the scenery a bit, had to slow down when Mr Skippy decided to come bounding across the road… luckily he didn’t have his mates following :o) Cruised along but eventually caught up to Mike-S. Then we regrouped and I hung back a bit again and then it was the dreaded climb up from the power station (I don’t know why I don’t like this stretch). I was taking it so slowly it was laughable, I could feel how bad my front tyre was by this stage. Got overtaken by a few people (I think we’d been playing cat and mouse with them yesterday as well) and got to the top where everyone was waiting for. We continued on and stopped for a smoke break (yay) at Three Mile Dam before heading into Adaminaby. Had a good run through the yellow line section even in the wet with a shagged front tyre :o))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Adaminaby for fuel, and a break. It had started raining properly by here so everyone but the Canberra Crew got geared up for the wet (see? We are hardcore! Or stupid….) well my concession to the rain was to put my rainoff gloves on here. The Sydney crew had planned to go down the Brown Mountain and then follow the coast up to home but with the weather they scrapped that plan and headed for Canberra and then the quick way home (ie. Hume). We stopped at Williamsdale to say our farewells and then it was on to home. (sob).
No idea (again) what time I got home, stripped off the wet gear and spent the arvo pretty much on the couch sulking about being home.
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