Well when I started up this blog thing I told myself I would update it at least once a week. Now usually I am off outta town every weekend, but this weekend, I spent my second weekend for the year at home. Yes, at home. Not having my bike may have contributed to this somewhat.
After the trip to the supers where my bike decided to shed some weight, PC had offered to fix it all up properly for me - so Friday I dropped the 9 round to his place and took possession of the zeddy… but the zeddy has a totally shagged chain so wasn’t going very far on that…
So the furtherest I went was either Belconnen Mall, Super Cheap Auto in Belconnen or Maggies in Kippax (I’m not sure which is furtherest away lol).
I spent a lot of time on the couch. It has been a loooooong time since I spent that much time sitting in front of the telly (sitting on my arse outside with my book is a totally different thing…) bit rude to sit outside with my book when I have company though 
OK so I don’t really have much to say here other than it was a lovely weekend, very relaxing and well there is more to say but I won’t say it here… you gotta catch me in person for that tale!
And the 9 is looking beautiful now… ventura rack attached properly - indicators and my iron butt plate backing thingo are back on… the number plate is no longer cable tied to the ventura rack… in fact there are no visible cable ties! (there may be invisible ones but well they’re invisble). And now, thanks to Thommo, I have high beam again!!! Some dodgy wiring, which he un-dodgied! Champion!
OK that’s enough dribble about my weekend on the couch…
This coming weekend I will resume normal transmission (i.e. riding)… next weekend at home is scheduled for ANZAC day long weekend when I am banned from riding.
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