Wednesday 4 November 2009

4M's 2009

Well… it has been a while in between rides.  Very unusual for me, but these are unusual times!  I had been very busy trying to get my house ready for sale so I basically did nothing but commuting for the whole of October… in fact, I had thought about pulling out of the 4M’s ride altogether but decided I could really use a bourbon or three so headed off for Bombala late Saturday with Tess with the intention of getting up Sunday morning, hoping the ride home would cure the hangover so I could get stuck back into it…
Tess and I left Canberra under threat of thunderstorms… there were storm cells to our left and to our right and we were riding down this path of sunshine between the two… at least until Cooma, it all turned to shit after that!  Before Nimmitabel it started raining… hard.  It could have been hail, it fkn hurt!  We pulled up in Nimmitabel, decided we couldn’t be bothered with wets so pushed on… arrived in Bombala and the Sydney crew were already there so a quick hello, then we sourced some coke for our bourbon and got stuck into it and then got into our costumes… one bourbon wasn’t quite enough dutch courage and when we walked downstairs and all the locals in the bar laughed we quickly fled outside - smoke time!  We got a few more bourbons into us and caused some havoc by having our photos taken on the roundabout on the mainstreet ;o)
Eventually everyone else rocked up and the night got under way… we were hanging out for the karaoke but when they started it up… they had taken off everything since 1990… Tess and I did “I love rock n roll” and that was about the only thing we really knew.  Luckily Andy and Billy love to sing so they were our entertainment until it was time to go chill on the balcony for a bit before going to bed.
I woke up Sunday morning, looked out the window and saw a hint of light in the sky and had a little tanty in my bed… “I WANT TO GO TO TINTALDRA!!!!!”  So I decided fuck the garden, I’m going to Tintaldra.  Problem.  The only thing I had brought with me was my halloween costume, which Matt assured me would be fine to wear at Tintaldra but I thought not… LOL
So the group headed off without Bubba and I (his chain was completely stuffed, I could hear it from 100m behind him) headed for Cooma and while Bubba went in search of a chain I went shopping for a new outfit.  I made my purchases but unfortunately there was no chain for Bubba so we headed on to Jindabyne where we fuelled up and then hit the Alpine Way.  As Dad was nursing the chain I actually got to ride with him for a bit which was nice.
Lunch at Khancoban… note that if anyone ever goes to Khancoban, take care not to overwhelm the poor lady in the cafe at the servo!  The poor dear… she was really lovely though, even though she forgot about my burger being ordered without lettuce (I’m good at scraping lettuce off though) and she forgot all about Dad’s coffee!
From there it was onto Tintaldra :o)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
We got into town and pulled up at the pub where we were warmly greeted by Alf and Maija, it was soooooooo good to be back there.  A couple of bourbons and it was down to the Caravan Park to see Ailsa and Rick and meet the new family member (Yowie!).  While we were still at the pub Minna, Ratty, Faye and Jim had arrived, Faye and Jim were staying at the pub and Minna and Ratty had claimed a cabin… but as everything else was still available I claimed a double bed in a cabin again (YAY).  Showered and changed and it was down to the BBQ area to relax with Ailsa and Rick for a bit before eventually everyone else rocked up.
It was a great night!  The bourbon flowed beautifully and there was much talking going on. 
Much later, I was walking back past the pub which had closed and there on the verandah sat Alf and Maija, hand in hand, bathed in moonlight sitting looking at the moon over the hills.  It was a really beautiful sight.
Anyway I ended up staying up most of the night, watched the moon set over the hills (I have never seen a moon set before!) and eventually fell into bed not long before the sun came up. 
Breakfast was cooked but I was too tired to eat!!! Hung around and watched everyone else go until there was just Tess, Andy and I left.  I had told Tess that I was way too tired to try punting the barge up the mountains so was gonna slab it home and she was going to join me… but then Andy decided he was going to stay another day and Tess decided that she was too so i kitted up and headed off home alone.  Slabbing it was the worst decision ever it was so hot and boring.  Eventually got home and fell into bed!
Of course it was an awesome weekend, it was the 4M’s!
(I had no idea where my camera was so no pics!)

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