Monday 14 September 2009

KSRC Gingers Creek run September 2009

It was on again… with much anticipation 4pm Friday arvo finally rolled around… I geared up and found MickC waiting downstairs for me… now where is Gos??  Eventually Gos turned up and we were ready to roll.  Just a straight slab up the Doom and on to northern Sydney to the wonderful hospitality of Dave#3 and Cath.  After some confusion we eventually found their place… what a shed they have! *drool*  Pizza and a couple of drinks and it was off to bed…
Saturday morning dawned beautifully and before long we were all kitted up and ready to roll the short distance to the meet point… what a sight!  So many beautiful bikes :o)  After much chatting we got underway and headed up the Old Pacific Highway.  I hadn’t been up there since they’d re-opened it the full way so it was a bit of an adventure!  Through to Wollumbi for the first regroup/stop and then onto Singleton for fuel and smoko.  The sun was shining and it was WARM!  From Singleton we bumped our way through to East Gresford (I think it is called) and onto Gloucester before heading up Thunderbolts… I don’t know where my mojo was but it definitely wasn’t with me this trip, so I was just hanging out at the back… come around a corner and OH NO bike down! Rooster had been distracted by the pretty river he was about to cross and gone off the side.  His bike was righted and perfectly good to go… he wasn’t so bad either so we headed off… only to stop again very shortly when a heap of our group was pulled over… another dude had left the road and done some hill climbing LOL.  He was OK too so then we continued on our merry way, stopping in Walcha for fuel and a relax before heading off to Gingers Creek. 
After a shower I felt human again, the bourbon was opened though we were a little short on coke… luckily Birdman was itching for a run down the Oxley so he fetched us some coke… good man :)  Much talking and laughing and then a totally awesome dinner and back to the fire for more beer (bourbon) and bullshit :o)  Eventually into bed in the Chamber of Snorers… now usually snoring doesn’t bother me too much but this was even too much for me!  And then the phantom chunderer started up and I eventually went for my MP3 player… I really need some “sleeping” music instead of my usual rocking stuff!
Sunday morning also dawned bright and sunny… hurrah!  A breakfast that was once again superb and then it was off down the Oxley… Robyn had said she’d missed riding with me the day before so we headed off down the hill with her in the lead… and we came back up with me in the lead… love love love that road.  Wish it was a little closer to home!  We chilled at Gingers for a bit more before heading into Walcha for fuel and then back the way we came, down Thunderbolts, into Gloucester for lunch and it was stinking hot by this time! 
There was a bit of a mix up from here - I thought a bunch of us were heading for the Putty Road and so would have turned off to go to Singleton but everybody went straight and we ended up on the Freeway!!! Freeway into Newcastle and then five of us got separated at some lights… the plan had been to go to Cessnock so we headed there… and no crew so we headed to Wollumbi and still no crew, WTF???? The leader of the first pack had thought there was a Cessnock turnoff from the freeway… of course there isn’t!  So we headed down Wollumbi Road and were to meet them at Mt White.  We were all running a little short on fuel so stopped *somewhere* to top up… Pinchy headed off first and then I headed off… got to the corner, Pinchy saw me coming and headed off so I decided to wait for the other two… and waited… and waited… Pinchy came back, where’s the other two?  NFI.  So I stayed put, he went looking, came back, no sign of them.  Meanwhile Dave and Cath were on their way to find us… and then the other two had turned up at the right spot so we waited for Dave and Cath, then headed off to Mt White to see the rest of the group… by this stage it was already getting dark so it was a hurried goodbye before the Canberra crew took back to the freeway and made a mad dash for home, stopping for some dinner at Pheasants Nest, getting in stupid late!!  I was so tired on the way back I had to keep pushing my visor up to help me stay awake… scary.
Another good weekend, though I missed the crew who were all in Bright!!
(I didn’t take a single pic either)

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