Well…. last night saw me in Civic doing the drunken dancing in Mooseheads til god knows when 
Got in a taxi to come home (cute cabbie by the way! and friendly! it was an amazing night… LOL) directed him to my driveway - he saw my sister’s car parked on the grass and says “oh this must be your Lancer” to which I say (as he’s pulled into my driveway and the headlights have picked up the 6 in the car port) “nope… that’s mine” pointing at the bike.
“oooooh a kawasaki” says Mr Taximan. “A Ninja! Very nice!”
He then proceeded to come down and duly admire the 6 and ask questions about it - turns out he’s got some shitbox CBR250RRRRRRRR or something and is planning on getting an R1… “go the 10″ says I… we’ll see…
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