Didn’t really enjoy it much the first week, just riding to and from work, position just seemed so harsh, handlebars around my ankles and arse up higher than my head LOL… but then… came Saturday.
I asked two of my favourite riding buddies to come down to the coast with me… so a meet time was arranged for 11:30am.
I left work and headed towards QBN, by the time I got to QBN my wrists were aching and I was thinking “what the fuck am I doing??” but that all changed as soon as I got out of town 

By the time I got to Bungendore I was grinning like mad… it was like the bike had magically morphed itself into my old bike, in that I was just as comfortable… except the fun factor was about x100! hahaha….
I swear somebody came along and straightened out all the bends in the Kings Highway, even hitting the 85ers at… well, above the speed limit anyway… they were just so easy… and then came the Clyde… was a bit iffy on the hairpins, but then I always am, but I had an absolutely brilliant run down the Clyde, any traffic I caught either at one of the good overtaking places or just before the overtaking lane…
Caught up to some moron on some bike on the other side of Nelligen… was doing about 70 so I overtook him, I went in the other lane and everything… about 30 seconds later “whoosh” he goes flying straight past me in my lane… grrr…. that’s fine… but then a couple of minutes later he’s doing like 70 again… dick… anyway he gunned it for a bit so I sat on his arse for a while, before pulling over at the roundabout to wait for the boys 
Malua Bay for burgers and a bit of a photo opportunity…
Malua Bay
Good run back up the hill… got left behind on those hairpins… I will get the hang of them one day…
Had so much fun that when no learners turned up for the learner ride we were supposed to be doing I said “let’s go to the bay” Yeah! haha except just outta Braidwood it started raining… grrrrrr… but new bike is fine in the wet too, though I was going heaps slow!
So on the weekend, the new bike got it’s first run out of town, first corners, first ride in the rain and first ride over gravel (roadworks where they’ve ripped up the road in two places…). Fun fun fun!!!
I think I need to get up to Sydney and do the nasho again real soon!
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