Monday 27 May 2013

Bathurst FarRide - May 2013

After doing the FarRally I wasn't sure how my back would take another ride - it sure isn't liking anything else in life at the moment.  But I *really* wanted to participate in the two stage FarRide (meet at Bathurst 6:40am - 7:00am, be given secret location - ride there and back by check-in of 11:15am - 11:45am).  In the lead up I considered pulling out, discussed it briefly with Clint before my natural stubborness reasserted itself an FFFFFUUUUUUU BACK WE ARE GOING RIDING.

Given that I wasn't sure how I was going to go I decided to keep it simple.  I planned to stay in or near Bathurst so I plotted Hawker to Bathurst into Google maps and then dragged the route to Wyalong and Dubbo creating just over 700km for the Friday.

Friday morning was pretty chilly, of course, it is Canberra in May!  I was ready to leave on time (earliest start docket time was 11:45am).  I loaded up with a couple of Panadeine and headed over to the Hawker Shell for a huge 4 litres of petrol and my start receipt (11:50am).

Rolled out onto the Barton Highway and it was hurting but I crossed the border into NSW, the sun was shining and the road was rolling out in front of me - now this is not a road that I would usually get excited about but today OMG I'M ALIVE, I'M ALLLIIIVVVEEEE!!!!!  I hurt but I felt FABULOUS.

Onto the Hume for a brief stint before turning off for Binalong.  A quick wee break in Binalong and on through Harden, Wallendbean, Stockingbingle (for the 10000th time since I got my FarChallenge pic I swear) and onto the big Shell on the Newell just out of Wyalong.  I was pretty glad for the break!

Now I know Fatman will appreciate this - I was in line paying for the fuel and right next to me were the Cadbury Marvellous Creation chocolate bars, 2 for $3.50.  I picked two up.  I put them back.  I picked two up.  I put them back.  I picked two up then the line moved forward so I took them with me :D  (actually I thought about it some more and I think the chocolate bars at servos have replaced the smokes - now which is worse???).

Scoffed the sub thingo I had bought out of the pie warmer, another couple of Panadeine and I headed north along the Newell.  Through Forbes, thinking I would stop at Parkes for a visor change, nope, rolled through to Peak Hill where I swapped visors and also turned my new heated vest on for the very first time.  Wow.

Headed off for Dubbo and at some point I realised the road was soaking wet - WTF??? clear skies!!  Into a dark and soggy Dubbo for fuel, no break, and back onto the road.

I had not booked a room ahead as I wasn't sure I was going to actually make it to Bathurst, but I had done some research and determined that the Budget Motel at Bathurst was going to be my No. 1 choice.  I meant to stop in Molong to call and book a room but I was cruising too well so planned to stop in Orange instead.

I froze my way into Orange but once again didn't feel like stopping so decided to wing it.  Heading out the otherside of orange my headlights caught *something* to my right - 'tinkle tinkle' and I was showered in broken brown glass - some fuckwit had tossed a beer bottle out the window.  Wasn't sure if it was someone coming the other way or the car I was following but upped the pace and got away from everyone just in case.  Grrrrr.

Saw the only alive wildlife for the trip along here too - I *think* it was a dog??? I really have no idea but he ran across in front and gave me quite a scare!

Got into Bathurst about 8:30ish and fronted up to the Budget Motel. Walked in the door and the guy behind the desk greets me "are you Lynne?" Nope!  Turns out "Lynne" was also on a bike, had called ahead from Cowra... right, I know who that is! (and they pulled in just as I was getting into my room).  A bit of a catch up with Lynne and Mick then it was time for bed... and the worst nights sleep EVAH (okay maybe not quite that bad).

Saturday morning I was up bright and early - okay it was early but it was dark and FREEZING!  I put on thermals over my technical trackies and two jumpers and my wet weather gear.  Overkill?  maybe...

Headed to the BP and bumped into Gags who is much tuffer than me and already had some kays under his belt (I was cold enough on the 50m ride I had just done).  Off to Maccas where there were quite a few riders already.  Got my breakfast (COOFFFEEEEEE HOW I LOVE THEE) and eventually was given my top secret location... GRENFELL (DAMMIT!)  Out to the bike, turns out TonyK also had Grenfell, we were leaving at the same time so I just followed him.

It was a nice ride out to Grenfell, sometimes in the sun, sometimes in the fog, not much traffic.  I realised that I had never gone into Grenfell from that direction so I must highlight that on my map :)  The directions said to go to the BP at Grenfell.  First servo (only servo??) in Grenfell was a Matilda's... and there was Toura waiting for us!  Got our tokens, had a chat for a bit and it turned out that we were the only two going to Grenfell.  We still had plenty of time to get back to Bathurst so Toura led us out and well he was mostly in sight LOL!  We stopped at the Windfarm viewing place near Blayney for a bit, I topped up with some more painkillers before heading to the check-in location at Mt Panorama.  Chaos!  It seemed like there were about 300 bikes there.  Checked in, chatted with various peoples for a bit (including the fellow Canberrians who I never see in Canberra).  There was to be a group photo down the bottom of the hill somewhere then off to the RSL Club for lunch.  OH BOY WAS IT HOT IN THERE (never mind the dual layer of thermals... oops).  Kicked back there for quite a while, back to the motel for a little bit then back to the RSL for dinner followed by a frosty walk back to the motel.

Sunday morning my phone told me it was 3 degrees.  Yep, I'm staying in bed.  Eventually I got going, thought I would stop in at the Japanese Gardens at Cowra.  Heaps of fog about the place on the way but it was bright and sunny in Cowra.  $13.50 for entry into the gardens though - pass.  Headed into Boorowa and paid homage to the bakery gods for a bit before the last stretch home to grey and gloomy Freezeberra (8 degrees.  Ew.) about 1:30pm.

Best thing about the Honda?  Bathurst to Canberra on one tank - not even on reserve yet :)

Loved the mystery of the two-stage FarRide :)

It hurt but dammit I am glad I did it!  Now my thoughts are turning to Bargara (which I registered for and then pulled out of.... will see what the new week brings).


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