FarRide East #16 - to Euston NSW (on the Murray River)
I was even more unorganised than usual on this one… Kimmie had messaged me and said she had a spare bed in a cabin which prompted me to register. It was some 700km to Euston from home, original plan was to leave after work but scrapped that and took the Friday off 
Eventually on the Thursday before kick off I came up with a plan - and I mostly stuck to it! Roughly, it was Canberra -> Gunning -> Crookwell -> Boorowa -> Young -> Temora -> Ardlethan arriving there by dark o’clock. Then down to Jerilderie for the night then out through Conargo -> Deniliquin -> Moulamein, down to Swan Hill and over to Euston.
Friday 27 May 2011
I got up and waited and waited and waited for midday to roll around… finally it did so loaded the bike up and headed for the servo 400m up the road.
Got fuel and my start docket and headed for the Barton Highway. 6.5km in I realised I had forgotten to note my odo for the start so I pulled over and wrote it down (1151).
I headed out of town on the Federal and took the Sutton Road exit - I went to Sutton for the FarRally but beyond that - it has been a long time since I was out that way! I headed towards Gundaroo and looked over at the old rickety bridge we used to ride across, through Gundaroo and out to Gunning. I did my first ever ride out of Canberra on this road! Stopped at Gunning for the loos then out the other side of town and took the turn for Crookwell.
It is such beautiful countryside out here! Had a bike pass coming the other way and that was about it, I had the road to myself. At Grabben Gullen there was a sign pointing left for Boorowa, so I pulled over for a map consult - nope that wasn’t the road I was looking for, so I continued on to Crookwell then turned onto the correct road.
I can’t believe I haven’t done this road before!!!!!!!!
There was one 55km/h corner in which I hit a huge bump which took me way off line and up straight and towards the wrong side of the road but we recovered and continued on our merry way 
Pretty much had the road to myself again and it was just magic. Bit rough in places but that’s OK. Noted the little town of Rugby as well as turn off’s for Reids Flat and Rye Park (I think…. noted for future spellings anyway). Before long I pulled into Boorowa where I stopped at the servo and NOT at the rest area.
A quick break at Boorowa and then I headed for Murringo, Young and into Temora. Few more cars on the road now but that was okay, I was just cruising and enjoying the countryside.
Stopped for fuel at Temora - one thing I hadn’t planned was fuel stops! So I kind of made it up on the go and filled up way more often than I needed to *just in case*. From Temora I headed out west towards the Newell Highway - late afternoon in the countryside is just beautiful, yes? 
Hit the Newell Highway and turned left - the sun was really going down now and it was starting to get a bit cold (at least I had managed to ride my plan so far!! lol). I pulled up in Ardlethan and added a jumper as well as swapping to the clear visor. Back to the highway and into Narrandera where it was pretty dark and I was freezing. Filled up and parked the bike and went inside for dinner.
OK for some reason, photobucket won’t remember that I rotated my pictures…
‘Home made Rissoles’ with mash and gravy together with a coffee (mistake) - yum! Was chatting with a truckie while I was eating - he asked where I was travelling to that night, I said Jerilderie. He said that there is a motel next to the BP on the other side of town that is the best one. He said he stayed there with his wife one time, it was cheap, clean and comfortable, older styled rooms, but very clean, apparently his wife is very picky. I thanked him for the recommendation.
Apparently a good home cooked meal is good for keeping you warm - I headed back out onto the highway toasty warm and didn’t feel cold until about 70km down the road.
This was also my first night ride on the new bike and OMG the headlights are AWESOME. The low beam lights up the sides of the road *really* well and the high beam is really good as well. Best headlights I have ever had on a motorcycle. 
I love the Newell at night with all the big trucks lit up… I think I was a bit early though as I didn’t see too many this time.
Got into Jerilderie about 8pm I guess. I pulled up across the road from the motel that the truckie had recommended and debated. I wasn’t really tired and whilst I was cold, I knew it would be colder in the morning. BUT here was a motel with a good recommendation… would I find one in Finley (46km) Tocumwal (76km) or Deniliquin (100km)???? I decided the sensible option would be to grab a room at the motel in Jerilderie… so I fuelled up (again!) and then got myself a room.
The truckie was right - it was a great motel! $68 for a single, very clean and comfortable and Jean (owner) was most lovely and helpful as well. Highly recommended!
I was in bed by 9pm with my alarm set for 5am… and then I lay there… remembering why I don’t drink coffee after midday usually (and wondering why V does not have this effect on me).
Saturday 28 May 2011
I eventually got to sleep around midnight I think… and my alarm went off at 5am. I jumped out of bed, turned the heater up to 24 degrees and hopped back into bed for another 20 minutes. Eventually got into the shower, had coffee and packed up, ready to roll a little after 6am.
Just a hint of daylight on the horizon...
I set off and very quickly hit the fog. It wasn’t too bad, could see maybe 5 metres in front of me??? But the pace was down a little bit. Eventually a truck caught up to me, so I pulled over and let him pass before pulling back out behind him - was much better having a big truck to follow! Unfortunately at Finley he went straight and I turned right for Deniliquin.
Daylight was finally coming along when I pulled over for these pics… it was pretty freakin’ cold!
I got into Deniliquin, got fuel and decided that I was not going to go any further until I had a coffee. I had seen a sign advertising that Deni had a maccas so I set off in search of the Golden Arches… on the way I spotted Fred’s 4WD place
Hi Fred!
In Fred's window
I wondered if that was Sir Al’s SP1 peering forlornly out at me.
I found maccas and also found Chicky and Kimmie and CharlieB
Maccas Deniliquin
So I had my coffee and sausage and egg mcmuffin and hash brown whilst discussing routes with them.
Chicky, being very familiar with the local roads, went over my proposed route with me and confirmed that the road through Moulamein to Kyalite was very good, the dirt way was very bad, and I would be much better off going through Balranald than crossing over into Victoria. So this is what I did.
Chicky left first and then I did, with Kimmie and CharlieB still getting ready. I turned off at Pretty Pine and soon caught up to Chicky so followed him through Moulamein, Kyalite and into Balranald.
I quite liked the road out through here, it was very quiet (just how I like it), and pretty with lots of stuff to look at (okay mainly trees and stuff but I like that too).
At Balranald, Chicky pulled into a park and I went and got fuel - I was a fair bit short on kays, so wanted to keep moving. I got fuel and continued towards Euston - more bikes around now! and turned off for Robinvale. I figured out that I needed to head down the road for 20km and then turn around… about 18km down the road I found the *perfect* place to turn around (I don’t much like turning around) so I did… and then when I got back to Euston I was 4km short… so laps of Euston it was 
I pulled in with plenty of time, and there were already so many bikes every where. So many new faces and so many familiar faces - it gets hard even trying to say hello to all the people you do know, let alone meeting the new ones!!! So I apologise to anyone I didn’t get a chance to say hello to.
I didn’t get a pic with all the bikes unfortunately - it was a pretty impressive sight though!
We did the check-in thing and then lunch (I had a burger and it was pretty spectacular) and Russ made a welcome speech which was good :o)
After lunch more catching up with people and Tiger Bill finally talked me into buying his last hat so now I will fit in with the crowd at the Border :D And then it was out to the bikes to wave off those who were going (though heaps had already left by then) and to stand around talking… as you do. Then… this is the only problem with meeting for lunch and staying over… there is a whole empty afternoon. Chatted with the others staying for a bit before heading back to the cabin for a cup of tea with Kimmie and then a bit of a nanna nap before dinner.
We headed back up to the Euston Club about 6pm and chatted away until dinner time (roast lamb with roast potatoes and gravy - yum!) and then it was time for dessert (when you have a half size dinner you get to have dessert… it’s in the rules, I swear).
Apple strudel and something something
It was very tasty.
More chatting away until it was time for bed.
Sunday 29 May 2011
Given that I was sleeping on couch cushions on the floor (I had decided that this was the better option than climbing up into the Top Bunk of Terror) I had a surprisingly good sleep. I woke up to Kimmie and CharlieB getting ready to head out, and eventually got up to say goodbye but then….. Kimmie had a flat battery! Neither Kimmie nor CharlieB had ever push started a bike before so I gave Kimmie a quick lesson on what she was to do and CharlieB and I pushed… and pushed… and pushed. Blackbirds are freakin’ heavy! lol.
Kimmie then went and found Rob and Diesel and… (oh dear I have forgotten a name), who eventually got Kimmie’s bike going. They set off, then I finished making my coffee and went over and chatted with them for a bit before deciding it was time to head off myself 
It wasn’t as cold as Saturday morning so I set off towards Balranald in the early morning light and it was quite pleasant. I needed fuel at Balranald so stopped and when I came back out Tony K was there next to my bike, he had seen it and pulled in to say gidday so I followed him over to Hay.
I had forgotten just how beautiful it is out there. Riding through in the early morning sun and the emptiness… just beautiful. Until we hit the fog and then it was C-C-C-COLD!!!!
At Hay I saw Kimmie & CharlieB’s bikes at the Caltex so I pulled in there, whilst Tony pulled in at the Mobil next door. I got fuel and said gidday to Kimmie but then headed next door where Charlie was just getting ready to head out and I had breakfast with Tony K whilst we consulted the map.
Breakfast of Champions
Conversation went like this (roughly):
Mel: I’m going to Narrandera.
Tony: I’m going to West Wyalong.
Mel (pouts): I want to go to West Wyalong too.
Tony: well why don’t you!
So I did! Rolled outta Hay and turned left at the roundabout… I have never actually been through the town of Hay before, only ever to the roadhouse on the highway so it was an adventure… and then out the other side of Hay there is *another* Hay Plan! Magic.
It was 260km through to West Wyalong and we did it without stopping (not something I would normally do but with kicking the smokes, I don’t feel the need to stop as much anymore
) At around the 210km mark I started to get a little bit sore… but it went away!
Got fuel and had a bit of a break then headed over to Wyalong where we pulled up at the Temora turn off to say goodbye (Tony was headed for Gilgandra next).
I rolled through the town of Barmedman (cool little town) and then I decided that I had to have a pic of the new bike next to a grain silo (I blame Ghosty! lol).
Near Temora NSW
And then I just cruised through Temora and Stockingbingal and into Murrumburrah where I stopped for lunch.
Breakfast for lunch
After Harden my ride turned to shite a little bit… I had gotten too used to having the roads all to myself and from Harden to Home I encountered quite a few idiots. Annoying but what can you do (overtake them. Which I did.)
It was funny - I got home and saw Glen’s pics… looks like I followed their route for the return journey… it all looked strangely familiar….! lol.
Learned that (a) West Wyalong is a tankful away from home (fuel light came on just as I crossed the border) and (b) my dodgy little $25 Mp3 player will last a full weekend of riding 
Now… I heard a rumour that the next one is going to be *really* far away…. 
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