Sunday 23 January 2011… I had arranged to meet Mick and Carl at Weston Creek Maccas at 11:00am and we were going to ride out to Wee Jasper for a swim then probably into Yass for a late lunch.
I was worried about the dirt sections, especially with the rain we had the night before but decided to give it a go, I could always turn tail if I decided to.
I have had the last week off work with a sore back, and I thought I would be okay for a ride. WRONG! I filled up at the servo near my house and by the time I got around the second roundabout and onto William Hovell Drive I was in PAIN and ready to turn around and go home. The thought of a cheeseburger kept me going though, and I arrived at Maccas, Carl was already there.
I got my cheeseburger and shake and found Carl and told him I was going home. We hung around and Mick turned up and then Mick suggested perhaps we could go somewhere closer, swimming can be therapeutic? We discussed either Casurina Sands or Uriarra and settled on Casurina Sands.
Carl decided to call in to see Yedi on the way so Mick and I set off and we were soon caught up in a parade of Toranas out on Cotter Road. Zip zip zip Mick went round them all and was gone… I went around a few but not all of them and pulled in to Casurina Sands in the middle of a pack of Toranas (Some of them were very pretty). I also got overtaken by Super Squid! This dude in shorts and tshirts but he had a fluro vest on that was riding up, when he came up behind me it looked like a super hero cape or something.
I couldn’t find Mick but figured he’d turn up, so slapped on some sunscreen and had a smoke and then he turned up. We picked a spot of shade for our gear and then into the water… lovely. A swim turned out to be a really good thing so hung out in the water for ages before my book started calling me so set up in the sun on my towel with my book and just chilled…
Carl turned up eventually and we chatted for a bit before he went for a swim, just when I was starting to think it was time to jump back in the water, Carl was done and decided to head out to Moonrock for a coffee and then home. Mick and I decided it was too good where we were so went for another swim, Diana and her friend Phil turned up and we had a bit of a chat, then it was just more swimming and ages lazing about on the grass.
We didn’t leave until about 8:00pm and it was good timing, just light enough for my tinted visor not to be a problem 
With a total of 60km for the day it was not much of a ride (which suited me just fine) but the swimming and the relaxing… perfect 
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