We’re all going on a summer holiday…
Well Mick, Carl and I did!
24 December 2010
I had to work in the morning and so a plan was hatched – meet at the Caltex in Hume at 12:30 and take off from there.
Well in the lead up to the trip I contracted the plague (again!) and considered pulling the pin on the whole trip the night before as I lay in bed doing the hot/cold thing and generally feeling miserable. On the Thursday night I tried to pack and was utterly exhausted halfway through.
But Friday morning I woke up feeling half human, finished packing, loaded up the bike and headed into work. In no time at all it was midday and I was outta there!
I cruised out to Hume where the boys were waiting for me to be greeted by Mick packed up with enough stuff for two nights and Carl with the Tower of Terror (as I affectionately named his load after following it for a little while).
It was a little grey in Canberra but as soon as we headed out past Tuggeranong the sun came out and it was glorious. We bored our way to Cooma (though with the anticipation of the trip ahead it wasn’t quite as tedious as normal), rolling straight through. Heading towards Berridale, Mick caught whiff of a corner ahead and he was goooooooorn! We stopped in Jindabyne for fuel and I dosed up on some more drugs as I was still not feeling the greatest. We set off again with Mick in the lead, all three of us had our music blaring in our helmets so when stopped at the ticket gates to the park, the lady was trying to talk to Mick, he was about to take his helmet off when I managed to convey to her that we were just passing through, not stopping, so we didn’t have to the pay the fees –and we were duly waved through. Mick decided that a scenic detour through Thredbo was in order – meanwhile I am just watching this big black nasty cloud that is hanging over us, expecting it to dump down on us at any second but luckily we got away from it in time and it was onto the good stuff.
In no time at all the boys had disappeared and I wound my way down to Tom Groggin where they were waiting for me. I swear I had camped here about ten years ago and the river was right there but apparently I was wrong… down this dirt road we went. We passed a sign that said “4WD access only” “dry weather only”… well it was dry weather at least! I thought about stopping there but figured I’d keep going and if it got too hairy I’d turn around. We started descending this hill and it got hell hairy – but there was nowhere to turn around. The boys were well out of sight by this stage. I came to a stop a couple of times to regain my composure and finally – HEAVEN! – I spied a little clearing off to my left where I could turn around, which I did.

Finally! A place to turn around.
I stopped the bike and in about two seconds Carl appeared, the river was just around the corner. Oh well, I ain’t going any further! So I walked down.

our first glimpse of the Murray River
We hung out there for a bit, took a few pics etc, then I walked back up to my bike. The boys had offered to hang out behind me but “nah, I’ll be right, youse go ahead and I’ll catch youse back at the tar”. Famous last words….
I geared back up and got on the bike. To get back on the track I had to cross two ruts so I picked out my perfect line that would lead to success… then completely missed that line, wobble, wobble, down we went. Oops. Bike was still running so I hit the kill switch and got myself up. My tank bag had fallen off so I grabbed my camera and took a pic of the poor Crim having a nap before attempting to pick it up – and failing dismally.

The Crim is not a 4WD
Because of the angle the bike was beyond horizontal – I could get the front wheel back to the ground but couldn’t get it any further. Eventually Carl turned up, he parked a bit up the road and we both picked the bike up and then Carl road it up to where the road was slightly less hairy. Mick turned up, I regathered my nerve and left the boys there having a cigarette while I tackled the dirt back to the bitumen. I didn’t kiss the tar once I reached it, but damn I thought about it! A smoke for me and a generous swig from my water bottle that I had been unable to reach while the bike was on it’s side and the boys turned up and we continued on the way.
Oh – damage to the bike, bent brake lever (which will put the brake on at full lock to the left), a couple of scratches to the right fairing (which I think were more from my attempts to pick it up than falling down) and a couple of light scratches on the exhaust and bar end.
We stopped in at Khancoban with the intention of getting fuel (I had leaked a fair amount out while the bike was on it’s side so was a bit worried) but they were closed. The café was closed also but the lady was still there and she kindly made us toasted sandwiches for an early dinner (it was after 5pm by this stage I think).
We then saddled up for the final stretch into Tintaldra, checked in to Cabin 6 where I claimed my second favourite bed in the world, got changed and chilled out. I was surprised - there was HEAPS of people there! Rick and Ailsa were off to the Tooma Hotel for dinner so it was only a quick hello to them before they left.
We went up to the pub to say gidday to Alf and Maija and not long after it got dark I was in bed.
Not much sleep was had by me, and I ended up doing the hot/cold thing all night anyway so didn’t get a good sleep.
Saturday 25 December 2010
I woke up stupid early, stinking hot, with my hoodie on with my hood up over my face. I got myself more appropriately attired and managed to get a little bit more sleep before venturing out to see how the boys fared. Carl was up and at ‘em but Mick was still dead to the world. Carl cooked some eggs for breakfast, I took another cocktail of drugs for my stupid plague and eventually Mick surfaced and had eggs as well.
We chilled out for a while and then into Corryong for some fuel and then we did the Murray River Road, but turned off before Granya heading for the Hume Weir. We stopped at the bridge for a smoke and photo op …

Bridge near Hume Weir
… before heading into Albury for fuel and ‘kinda’ lunch and more drugs for me (I was feeling very ordinary by now). It was looking *very* gloomy in Albury, big black clouds and we copped a bit of rain but we thought we would be alright. We opted to follow the river on the north side as it looked to be slightly more interesting than the Victorian side which we did until we crossed into Yarrawonga. And we managed to ride through a storm here, but luckily it was warmish and didn’t last long.
We pulled up just past Cobram for a smoke and then headed for Echuca with a plan to take a small detour through Barmah but either we missed the road or it is mapped wrongly in the motorcycle atlas because we missed it! So highway all the way into Echuca.
I was feeling pretty terrible by then, I was so cold I was shivering on the bike (and Carl later informed me it was 33 degrees!). We stopped at the bottle shop attached to the Shamrock Hotel to get some supplies and the owners pulled up and asked if we wanted accommodation (one of them is a rider). They sorted us with a room (which was to be the most expensive of our trip I believe! For the least facilities anyway), I managed to park my bike without falling down, lugged my gear up to my room, dumped the helmet and jacket and fell gratefully into bed.
The boys went off in search of dinner and I put in a request for them to bring me back “something soft” as my throat was in agony and I was having difficulty swallowing. Upon their return Carl brought me a quiche, a chicken and avocado sandwich, a chocolate éclair and a chocolate donut – thanks Carl! They left me to it and I took yet more drugs and eventually I started to feel somewhat alive again. I ate the quiche down to the layer of Spinach (gak) and then headed down to the beer garden to hang out with the boys and fight the mosquitoes for a bit before heading into bed for an early night (and eating the chocolate éclair in bed
We had bunk beds in our room and Mick was lucky enough to get a top bunk, that had the ladder part against the wall – but Jungle Mick was able to swing his way in to bed! Impressive.
Another night passed in half sleep doing the hot/cold thing – this was getting pretty old.
Sunday 26 December 2010
I awoke with the sun – because it was shining straight into my eyeballs. The boys got up and went adventuring, I found something to use as an eyemask and got some more sleep. I got up about 7:30(?) went and had a smoke, took yet more drugs and went back to bed. I think it was about 8:30 or 9:00 when I next woke up and I felt pretty good. I went downstairs and had a bit of a chat with one of the owners who had turned up, he established that I was feeling better, as I hadn’t looked very well the previous night, and he offered that we could stay another night if I wasn’t well enough to travel, no problems.
We all attended the café next door for breakfast (I ordered eggs Benedict which were divine – but I couldn’t even eat half because swallowing hurt so bad *sniff*) then back to the room to pack up our gear and dump it in the bottle shop so we could go on a paddlesteamer cruise – on the Canberra one of course!
Then it was time to pack up and hit the road – I still wasn’t really well and looking at my map it tells me that we went through Cohuna and Kerang but I have no recollection of these towns. We stopped at Maccas in Swan Hill where the boys promptly stripped off the gear because it was hot – and I kept all my leather on and hung out in the sun because I was freezing. Off to Woollies for some supplies and I had even more drugs and then I felt good again, I was finally sweating like crazy by the time we left 
The map told us that there was a little town called Narrung(?) very close to the junction of the Murrumbidgee and Murray Rivers – didn’t see any town but we came across a sign advising that it was 6km to the junction, I looked at the road and it looked like pretty decent gravel so off we went, me at the back of course. After about 100m we had to turn left onto a sandy track. I didn’t like sand on the 7 and I don’t particularly like it any more on the Crim. Eventually I made it to a junction where the boys were waiting and then I noticed water off to my right and I thought “excellent, I made it” but no, we had only done 2km and the rest of the way was blocked off by water, we could see the road on the other side. We debated setting up camp where we were but decided that seeing as it wasn’t the Murray it just wouldn’t do so I left the boys behind so I could tackle the sand at my leisure while they had a smoke and I waited for them back at the tar, blessed tar.
We continued on a short way and fetched up at Boundary Bend where we camped by the river, just a short way down from the servo. It was very pretty there, though the river was up heaps. The boys set about gathering firewood and all other kinds of manly activities, Mick turned up with a large crayfish which we played with before he went back into the river (I’m glad the boys decided not to eat him)

Carl cooked us a roast in the coals of the fire. We ate dinner, and then pretty much went to bed. I froze!
Monday 27 December 2010

The view I woke up to
Woke up pretty early and discovered that mosquitoes had found their way through my mosquito net built into my sleeping bag and I had a lovely row of bites across my forehead and one on my lip. I set about killing a few of them that were still buzzing around in my sleeping bag and Carl kindly donated one of his doonas to me so I was nice and warm and I think I managed a little bit more of a sleep 
Eventually we got up and packed up with the promise of coffee ahead – I finally woke up feeling rather human! And we ended up in Robinvale for breakfast and much needed coffee.
Onto Euston and the highway patrol were hanging out in town, he had a customer but was very quickly turned around and right behind me… but then he pulled over into what must have been his favourite hidey-hole. We followed the road through to Wentworth where we fuelled up and then went and found the junction of the Darling and Murray Rivers and WOW! The difference between the two is amazing, and how long it appears to take for the waters to mingle… WOW!

Junction of the Darling and Murray Rivers
We hung out there for quite a while and then it was my turn to lead us into Renmark. We had a little play along a back road that allowed us to miss Mildura then it was onto the Sturt Highway. Luckily a little yellow car came roaring past me so I let him get a fair way ahead and then had quite a nice, comfortable pace with my radar fodder out in front 
We stopped for the border inspection and then rolled into the park in Renmark where we discussed various options (well the boys did, I went and found the toilets that I had thought wrongly were in the park where I stopped) and then we went to the visitors centre. I rang all the caravan parks trying to find a cabin for us and then called the Paringa Hotel to see if they had any rooms but I was asked to call back. We were virtually across from the Renmark Hotel but it looked really poshy so I had written it off to begin with. I decided to give them a call anyway and it turned out we could have a motel room out the back for $120 or a family room in the pub with ensuite for $105. The pub room was on the second floor, but they had a lift so WINNER! They also had a large balcony for us to sit on, so we lugged all our gear up the lift into our room and we chilled out on the balcony for a while.

Renmark Hotel
Eventually it was time for dinner and I had been having mad cravings for bangers and mash (yes, my appetite finally returned and my throat had calmed down a lot) so we set off to the bistro which was *very* poshy and expensive AND they didn’t have bangers and mash so we decided to head elsewhere. The sign above the reception for the hotel advertised “counter meals” so we enquired – turns out there was another bar “the sports bar” so we went there, and I got awesome bangers and mash for $9.50 which I couldn’t even finish. Mick and I had a game of pool and then it was dinner time 
After dinner Mick went for a walk and then I decided to do the same – I swear I nearly walked out of town! I walked and walked and then I saw a sign that said about some lookout so I followed that and didn’t seem to be getting anywhere so I took another street which felt like it was heading back in the right direction and fetched up on the “river walk” so a ambled back along the river, checking out all the signs and sights. I stopped on an old wooden wharf and had a smoke while the sun was going down and splashed my feet in the Murray – it was really awesome – until two guys came along and tried to bum a smoke off me and then sat down to chat, totally ruining my moment, so I left and headed back to the hotel and before long I was in bed.
Tuesday 28 December 2010
We awoke reasonably early, and with coffee in hand consulted the maps and hatched a plan for the day. We would head up to Morgan and then follow the river down to Goolwa which we should easily make that day. So we eventually were loaded up and on the road. I had thought that the road to Morgan would be “less supervised” and we saw a HWP almost straight away as soon as we turned onto it! Oh well. We stopped at a roadhouse in Morgan and had an awesome breakfast and then just chilled out, Carl reading the paper, Mick his book and me a trashy magazine from over a year ago.
Eventually we figured we’d better get going so joined the queue for the ferry and did our first ferry crossing for the trip.

Waiting for the ferry
It was our first ferry crossing for the trip and, as I tend to do, I got a little bit excited.

Mick & Carl are on a boat!

I'm on a boat!
After the ferry we had to take a little right hand turn which we missed at first but turned around, Mick promptly took off and for some reason unknown to me Carl slowed down a little and stayed at that speed (I could never see what he was doing around the Tower of Terror)… I don’t know why but I suddenly got the urge and off I went around Carl, hunting down Mick – who had slowed right down waiting for us not too far away. I tried to wave him on but I think I just confused him so I went around him too and off we went. It was very scenic along here and we had a good ride. We stopped briefly just outside of Blanchetown and then went looking for Lock 1 (which we couldn’t find).

Look out near Swan Reach

Look out near Swan Reach
We pulled into Swan Reach for fuel and Carl accidentally busted one of the clips on the visor of his new helmet so it took a while to sort that out (in the meantime we had icypoles because it was HOT). Eventually we got going again and made our way down past Mannum and Murray Bridge and Tailem Bend where we crossed the river on a ferry again to Jervois and then stopped in at Wellington for a glorious swim.

The boys on the Jervois Ferry
It was getting rather late in the day so we continued on, heading down to Milang and then a quick stop for a photo in Finniss (which is named after my great great great etc granddaddy) and then onto Goolwa.

Finniss - named after Boyle Finniss my great great etc. granddaddy
We stopped at the information and found where the caravan parks were located – but they were closed!! As was the one over on the island. There was one hotel with accommodation but they wanted $145.00 for a twin room (no triple share) which was deemed to be too expensive. We eventually ended up at a pub with the yellow pages out calling everything we could find, including a “backpackers” in Port Elliot which turned out to be a pub – they had rooms for $65.00 but they only had double beds so we were gonna need three rooms! We headed out and stopped at the caravan park in Middleton (on the way) where they had one site left so we grabbed it and quickly went to the takeaway next door to order dinner (fish and scallops for me) before setting up camp.
We could hear the beach so went on an adventure to try and find it but it was fenced off and the gate through was locked. I gave up and went to bed but the boys went off in search of the beach.
Herein ends Part 1 of the adventure - the Murray River.
To be continued….
Wednesday 29 December 2010
When I finally got up in the morning, I looked around and noted the differences in all our set-ups:

Camp Mel

Camp Mick

Camp Carl
We had discussed the possibility of staying two nights at Middleton – our camping spot at the caravan park was available, and Mick wanted to go and see Adelaide, Carl needed a new rear tyre and wanted to see Hahndorf. So we decided YES another night in Middleton. The boys set off while I was having a shower, so I had a bit of a wander through the town before doing my washing and then setting off for the beach. It was a bit of a mission getting to the beach, it sounded so close but in reality it was quite a hike – and it was one of the most unattractive beaches I have ever seen. First it was all rocky, then it was all just seaweed, then there was this section with a horrid brown sludge (gak) and eventually I came to a spot where it was clean. I slathered myself up with the coconut oil (15SPF of course!) and got quite stuck into Pride and Prejudice
Unfortunately I didn’t put the SPF stuff on until I got to the beach and with all the walking about etc, I had gotten quite sunburned shoulders and feet (!) already. I had a quick swim (my first proper swim in the Southern Ocean!) and then sat for a while but with my towel draped across my shoulders for a bit of protection. Eventually I made the hike back to the caravan park and chilled out until the boys returned. As the caravan park had some pretty good kitchen facilities, we grabbed a couple of frozen curries from the supermarket and heated those up and that was our dinner. Eventually it was dark and so off to bed.
Thursday 30 December 2010
Another beautiful day dawned and eventually I dragged my arse out of bed. A plan was hatched to head to Kingston SE so off we went, heading into Strathalbyn for fuel before heading to Wellington for our final ferry crossing and off to follow the coast as best we could.

Final ferry crossing - Wellington

Dude on the ferry
(There was this guy on the ferry - the boys later ran into him in Nelson, he was pretty unprepared for riding around in Australia and apparently hadn’t showered - glad I was next to him so close to Adelaide where he started! Yes, he is lighting a smoke and wearing a Dora the Explorer helmet… I was fascinated!)
We pulled up along the way at one of our first sightings of salt water for a smoke break/photo op:

Salt water!

Pretty Crim
When we came to Salt Creek, Carl was leading with Mick behind him and Mick pulled into the servo as Carl sailed off into the distance… I decided that fuel probably wasn’t a bad idea so I pulled in too and Carl returned a short while later. As we were paying the truck arrived to pump out the septic tanks… EEEEWWWWW it was so gross. I moved to the other side, a fair way away so the wind was carrying the smell away from me and then it wasn’t so bad 
From here Mick decided to go off and have his own adventure for a while, he had found a dirt road that appealed to him, so Carl and I planned to head directly to Kingston SE, find the caravan park and set up camp and Mick would turn up when he did.
Best laid plans… etc etc. We got to the only caravan park in town only to be told that they were completely booked, nope not even a little unpowered spot available for us. The lady in the caravan park office advised that there was a little spot down by the wharf where they don’t mind people staying overnight, but she expected it would probably be full. Oh well, we’ll try, so off we set and then we were in a town park but it had power supplies like they do for caravan parks???? But really lush green grass that definitely didn’t look like it had had any caravans parking/driving across it????? Most confusing. Carl and I parked under the trees and headed over the pub for some lunch. Carl didn’t have any service so I texted Mick with the change of plans.
The lunch at the pub was a little ordinary. We hung out there for a while reading our books before heading back over to the bikes and the shade. While we were there we got chatting to one of the guys, there was a Lions Club shed there and obviously something was going on and there were a couple of tents set up there – they had an AC/DC cover band playing on New Years Eve so they were setting up for that – and the guys who were camped there were just there to keep an eye on the sound gear etc. We were advised that no, you were not allowed to camp in the park, but they hadn’t seen any rangers or anything so we’d probably be right. Well I felt all kinds of wrong about this, while Carl was still happy to camp out in the park. I suggested that perhaps we could enquire about how much the accommodation at the pub was, which we did and it was $49 for a twin share and $35.00 for a single (our rooms had those bunks which was a double on the bottom and a single on the top) so we grabbed two rooms, unloaded the bikes and settled in to wait for Mick.
And wait for Mick.
And wait for Mick.
We had claimed a table out the front of the pub in the shade and were just chilling out trying to read our books (I wasn’t concentrating too well though), and you know that feeling when someone is taking just that bit longer than they should to arrive… and then the time goes on and on… my worrying was making Carl worry too so we were *very* relieved when eventually Mick turned up. He had received my text but had no credit so hadn’t been able to reply. He had run out of petrol after some ‘spirited’ riding but had had quite the adventure in the meantime. So all was good 
After the rather unimpressive lunch, Carl ended up buying some stuff for making sandwiches for his tea, but I was brave and ordered a pasta dish and Mick got a pizza and they were both fantastic. The pasta was waaaaay too much for me but Carl had some and Mick had some and so it was done
After dinner we were joined by a young couple from Geelong who were travelling around (Mim and I forget her partners name). We sat talking with them for a few hours before I set off for bed with my book.
Friday 31 December 2010
I awoke with the sun shining in my face – neck warmer went over the eyes and I got a bit more sleep before finding a shower and then heading downstairs for coffee mmmmmm coffeeeeeeee. The boys were already up, Carl packing up his bike so I finished my coffee and packed up also.
We headed off and stopped in to Robe and had a smoke break at the beach – it was so beautiful in the sun (last time I was there it was a bit on the dismal side).

Robe - looking left

Robe - looking right
We decided to stop in Beachport for a coffee… and it was even more beautiful there!

Beachport SA
I had a juice and custard tart and then started contemplating a swim… Mick said “I’ll go in if you do” and I’m all like “well I’m going in” so we did.

How could we not? :o)
It was gorgeous, though the water was a little bit cold. We hung out in the water for ages (Carl even came in for a bit!) before deciding it was probably time to get moving.

Bikes at Beachport
We rolled into the visitor centre at Mt Gambier, Carl obtained directions to Mac Park and various other tourist places and off we went – I hadn’t realised that we were heading straight out to Mac Park so we arrived and I had no supplies and only just managed to scrape together the $10 camping fee in coins. We picked our spot and set up camp. The boys went into town for supplies, and Carl kindly loaned me $50 for the weekend (if you know me, once I’m off the bike I like to stay off the bike).
Went up and found Mick LC and the others just as everything was pretty much finishing for the day. The track had a fine covering of little stones so a bunch of us ended up out there with brooms sweeping for a while. Headed back to camp and chilled out, then the boys returned and we hung around chatting until I crawled into bed at about 10pm (the boys held out and saw in the new year).
Saturday 1 January 2011 and Sunday 2 January 2011
Racing! Helped out in the pits where I could, watched some of the racing – it was very cool. Also spent a bit of time chilling out at camp with my book – Pride and Prejudice still but then I finished it and started on the other book I had brought, Tully by Paulina Simons, but was finding that one a bit depressing.
Mick LC did well, getting a couple of trophies for riding Billy’s 350LC 
The racing was great to watch, it was a very enjoyable weekend.

In the pits at Mac Park


Monday 3 January 2011
We eventually packed up camp and got moving, said goodbye to everyone, stopping in Mt Gambier for fuel, and headed off through Nelson and Portland and then we stopped in Port Fairy for lunch. It was so busy there! After all the peace and quiet we had been experiencing it was a little overwhelming to have so many people around. Found a little bookshop so bought a new book (Emma).
Our plan had been to stop at Port Campbell for the night, but with the warnings of everything along the coast from Torquay to Kingston being booked out, and it still being pretty early in the day we continued on.
We stopped at one of the look-outs (I can’t remember which one now) before Port Campbell – it was reasonably quiet and very pretty.

We hung out there for a while and then we stopped in at the Twelve Apostles – OMG CHAOS!!!! They were doing breathos on the way into the car park (we got waved through though) and there were just people EVERYWHERE! We forced our way through the crowds and lost Carl so Mick and I went to one little look-out area and I managed to get the front and look over the big rocks sticking out of the ocean – there was a very pretty beach down there, no people, no footprints, just sand and rocks and cliffs and waves and I so wanted to be down there.

I managed to block out the crowds from behind me for a little bit but that didn’t last long so we forced our way through some more crowds to the other look-out area and eventually made our way back to the bikes.

Terrible! look at all the people!
We continued on and got caught up in some traffic – the boys were quickly around them all but I wasn’t so lucky. We got into the twisty bit and there was a car doing about 40km/h and about 15 cars and a few bikes, and I was at the very back so I just stopped, let everybody get ahead and then had a bit of fun (I had to do this a few times). Eventually I got around everybody and got into Lavers Hill at the pub on the right.
We enquired about rooms and they had one left – he didn’t have a key though so the manager went through the window – very impressive! It was slightly bigger than the room Robyn and I had when we stayed there, and with a single bed and a set of bunks there was a bit more room to move – and for $15.00 a head we decided to stay two nights 
There was a hot shower with my name on it, so after I was clean and revived we hung around for a bit chatting before heading up to the pub for dinner, where we must have been a sight, all three of us sitting around the dinner table with our heads buried in our books! Big tough bikies us. The boys raved about their steaks, my lasagne was a little bit second rate but not too bad. After dinner back to the room to hang out and talk some more – it was freezing! Carl kindly donated one of his doona’s so I sat around wrapped up in a doona (lovely) before crawling into bed.
Tuesday 4 January 2011
Mick had set his alarm the night before for 5am but thankfully it didn’t go off :D. We eventually got up and set off with unloaded bikes. First stop Colac for fuel and then I promised the boys a road they were going to love and we set off for Forrest and Skenes Creek. Yep they loved it!
We then did the Great Ocean Road to Lorne and it was pretty bad, HEAPS of traffic everywhere. We headed up to Deans Marsh for a late breakfast/lunch where the burgers were pretty awesome
and then the plan was changed – rather than heading back along the GOR we would head up to Colac and then down this road that looked pretty interesting on the map.
More fuel in Colac and then we headed off for Carlisle River (hoping for a swim) but we didn’t see any river and eventually the road turned to dirt! I was all like “no way” and Carl ribbed me a bit, I said I was happy to turn around and make my own way back to Lavers Hill. Eventually Mick went on a scouting mission to check out the road, came back very quickly and declared it to be “like ice” so we all turned around and made our way back and around to Simpson and then down to Princetown and back along the GOR to Lavers Hill.
We had not long gotten home and were just chilling outside when I saw a bluebird go buy with red and white CBR leathers… “that’s Karl!” I declared. I knew Kimmie wouldn’t be too far behind so I went out to the road and waved her down when she came by. The first thing she said to me “I got my 1600!!!!” well done Kimmie! She was desperate for fuel, so she went up to the servo, got fuel and Karl and returned. They had been planning on going to Apollo Bay that night but we warned them about accommodation problems so they enquired and were in luck – there was one empty room at Lavers Hill, “it’s $50 though” they were warned… they were happy with that though!

Lavers Hill - with new additions!
We all went up to the pub for dinner and after the rave reviews the steak got the night before I went with the steak – and the boys were right it was pretty special. Karl and Kimmie’s meals were pretty spectacular as well – food is good at Lavers Hill!
We all chatted for a bit more before calling it a night (it was freezing again) and I crawled into my beautiful warm bed up in the sky.
Wednesday 5 January 2011
Carl was up bright and early… I got out of bed and ventured off to the bathroom – it was grey and foggy and cold – this was more like the Lavers Hill I know! I crawled back into bed for a bit, and there was some discussion about whether we were supposed to be leaving really early or not so I packed up.
Oh assumptions. There was a guy staying in the cabin next to us who had chatted with the boys but pretty much just ignored me… until I hopped on the Crim and started backing him up (with a helpful push from Karl). “wow” he says. Then proceeds to tell me about chicks in the crusty demons etc etc. I love surprising people.
Eventually we were all ready to go, I was cold and it was still pretty grey and dreary looking so I donned the plastic suit and off we went. We had a nice run down to Apollo Bay where we stopped for fuel and decided that we would stop in Lorne for breakfast. It warmed up very quickly after that and I was very happy to lose the plastic suit at Lorne. We had a fancy-pants breakfast at some café, which was nice apart from the weeds on my plate!!! Over breakfast Karl pointed out that I didn’t have a ‘friend’ along for this trip, so a quick journey into the local op shop and I solved this problem.

I named him Eunan :o)
The decision was made to take the ferry from Queenscliff to Sorrento (eeek!) and then head towards Omeo, seeing where we fetched up for the night. We set off and while there was a fair bit of traffic it was so beautiful. I just wanted to stop everywhere and take it all in, but with four people in front of me I couldn’t really do that.
We eventually got through all the traffic and arrived in Queenscliff just as the ferry was departing so we had a bit of a wait in front of us. Finally it was our turn and we all got on, with me packing it (I don’t like boats – well not big ones, little ones on the river/lake are OK). Once we were underway Karl, Kimmie and I went exploring a bit but I didn’t like it at all so ended up spending most of the 40 day (ok minutes) trip hugging my bike wishing it to all be over.

Bikes on the ferry

View out the window of the ferry - when I braved leaving my bike for a few minutes
Finally it was and I was back on land! Yessssss! Mick shook my hand and said he enjoyed it enough for both of us. Good.
The plan had been to pull over as soon as we got off for a smoke break but everyone kept going, so eventually Mick stopped to put his gloves on and we decided that would do for a smoke break. Confused the people up in front and eventually we were all back together again and a new plan had been hatched – a little town called Millgrove up near Warburton. Eventually after being led through some of Melbourne’s traffic (god I hate Melbourne traffic!!) we finally got to Millgrove (after Mel got a bit cranky in all the traffic *blush*) but there was nothing there so we headed on to Warburton where the caravan park didn’t have anything, but the pub did so pub rooms it was.
I went over to the river with Karl and Kimmie and then they ordered dinner while I waited for the boys to come down – eventually they did (they had been off adventuring or something) and I had the curry which was very nice. I ate too much though and had to go and have a little lie down to aid digestion (oops). Karl and Kimmie had gone off to do their washing, Carl went back to the room to have a lie down and Mick and I poured over the maps, talking about all the great roads that lay ahead of us :o)
Thursday 6 January 2011
We woke up to a glorious morning. Karl and Kimmie had decided to do their own thing but we agreed that we were going to stay in Bright that night so would see them there. I had a plan of just doing my own thing that day (up the Reefton, to Mansfield, to Whitfield and over to Bright) as I wanted to do some washing etc. Turns out we all had the same idea so I set off with Mick and Carl. We passed Karl and Kimmie on the Reefton where they had pulled over to take some photos – it is much prettier up there now than last time I was there (shortly after the fires), it was a really great way to start the morning.

At the top of Reefton Spur...

The boys approved also!
Karl and Kimmie came along and we all headed into Marysville for breakfast with Karl and Kimmie setting off before us. We rolled through Alexandra, Bonnie Doon (great to see the water in there, every other time I have been through there is has been pretty much dry) and into Mansfield. Carl had not had any breakfast so went looking for something to eat, I decided to just head off to Whitfield – maybe I could wait for the boys for a change instead of them always waiting for me! So I did and I had a very pleasant ride through there and got into Whitfield where Kimmie and Karl were having lunch so I joined them with a cold drink. Karl had picked up a shard of metal in his tyre so had a flat – lucky he is very organised and had his puncture repair kit (guess who had left hers at home *blush*) and he pumped it up and it seemed to hold.
The boys turned up after having a play with a fireblade and we all hung around for a bit with Karl and Kimmie heading off to Beechworth for some exploring and we headed straight into Bright.
We went to the backpackers first but they were full so ended up with a room at the pub, and after letting Karl know where we were staying, reserved a room for them also.
We found out where the Laundromat was, gathered together all the washing, got into our swimmers and headed off. Washing only took 20 minutes so we hung around for that, then chucked our stuff in the dryers and left it there while we went to the river. It was COLD! Mick got in pretty quick but I was a complete wuss and just stood there up to my thighs for a while. Eventually I got in and it was okay once I was in. Carl opted not to go swimming and eventually went back to rescue his washing and returned to the room. Eventually Mick and I did the same but our stuff wasn’t quite dry so a few more rounds in the dryers (turns out mine was only on ‘warm’ I am so retarded) and we were done.
Headed back, Karl and Kimmie had arrived but were nowhere to be seen so showers were had by all (and it was a pretty awesome shower, lots of pressure!) and I finally got around to adjusting my chain (in my swimmers, what a great look haha!) with Mick laughing at me (though he swears he wasn’t).
Karl and Kimmie returned, with a recommendation for the chinese restaurant. Mikkey, a guy I met on some rides ages ago was there also so decided that he would join us for dinner. The chinese restaurant was only doing takeaway by the time we got there so we ended up getting takeaway and sitting down by the river for dinner – it was nice.
Back to the room and it was bed time – except that the karaoke was going on in the pub and it was TERRIBLE and I couldn’t sleep and it was all very bad. I think I might have finally drifted off about 1am.
Friday 7 January 2011
The plan for Friday had been to take off by 8:30am at the latest, hit Mt Buffalo, back to the room, load up and leave by 10, then up and down Hotham, over Tawonga Gap, up and down Falls Creek, stop at a nice little swimming hole that I know and then onto Corryong. Best laid plans and all that… lol
We were off to Mt Buffalo by 7:30am but it took a lot longer than I had anticipated. I got to the end of the tar, the boys had gone up the dirt but I have done that once, and that was enough so I turned around and waited for them. (We had met with Karl and Kimmie up here also, I swear they were following us lol).
We headed back down and I saw Carl briefly at one of the sets of traffic lights for roadworks and then when I got to the bottom Mick was there but no Carl. “Where’s Carl?” I ask. Mick thought he might have stopped to take photos? I didn’t see him though. So Mick headed back up to see if he could find him and I stayed put, Carl’s turn to be worried about. Mick rang me and said that Carl was back at the hotel (he had passed when Mick wasn’t looking and Mick hadn’t heard him over his music) so I headed back to the hotel and started packing up and Mick turned up also and that was that. We managed to be out of the room by 10am – just!
Karl kindly brought us coffee and then they set off and we hung around for a bit discussing our plan. Carl and I were pretty keen on getting to Corryong not too late so we discussed cutting out either Mt Hotham or our swim. Mick wanted it all. Carl wanted to cut out Hotham. I didn’t really care. We ended up skipping Hotham with a promise to come back and do it properly next time, and headed up Falls Creek. Beautiful bit of road – when I have my mojo :o(
Had a breakfast burrito at the top (yum) and then I was too full to ride but we had places to be so we made our way down the mountain where Mick had found a playmate on an R1, fuelled up and then I led the way to the swimming hole I knew. The river was cold but it was a great swim 

Secret Squirrel Swimming Hole
While we were getting ready to go Ree and Crowey rode past, but they didn’t see us.
I gave Carl instructions on how to get to Tallangatta but he turned at the first bridge so I waited for them to come back and then Carl waved me past so I took the lead into Tallangatta where I stopped for the bathroom. Ree and Crowey turned up so we chatted with them for a bit, they were going to take in Granya gap while we were going to just head straight for Corryong. I led us into the Caltex on the outskirts of Corryong where we got fuel and then Carl led us in to the pub. Bec promptly introduced Uncle Jimmy to the party and we settled in.

Out the back of the bottom pub at Corryong
We headed up to visit “mum and dad” (Karl and Kimmie) at the motel with the pool and spent a while chilling out up there, where we had the longest wait for pizza ever (about two hours) – apparently they sacked the delivery driver between their delivering Karl and Kimmie’s pizza and ours being ready. Eventually it arrived and after dinner we all headed back to the rooms.
I was sharing with Nereash and before long I crawled into bed and chatted with Nereash a bit before falling into a totally awesome sleep only to be awoken with the call of “STACKS ON”. Someone (me) had thought themselves really clever by locking the door to our adjoining room – but then left the key to our room in the bathroom *roll eyes*. They didn’t hang around long and I was quickly asleep again.
Saturday 8 January 2011
Tess and I had our usual plan of hanging around in the morning and just meeting everyone at the lunch spot. We had Yedi, Ant, Lee and Adrian with us, so we had a nice walk into town, Ant and Lee went looking around while the rest of us ordered breakfast which took forever to arrive – but was really good when it did finally arrive 
It was getting pretty late so we grabbed some supplies and headed back to the rooms to get ready to set off. We did – and we had been given some wrong directions so ended up in the wrong spot, I lost everyone else and ended up back in Khancoban, before ringing Mamma Leen and working out where I was supposed to be, and everyone else was already there except Yedi who was out looking for me (he was back shortly so all was good).
I was still full from breakfast not long before so skipped lunch and headed down for a swim – lovely. Eventually Tess and I settled in for some sunbaking and reading and in dribs and drabs everyone else left. I went in for a final swim and then there was only Tess, Mick and I left so we all packed up, Mick left and then Tess and I left.
A GSX650F (or whatever their right name is) was heading in as we were heading out and when we got out on the highway they were behind me. Tess and I pulled into the servo to top up the fuel and they pulled in too – it was Dazzabee! But he didn’t stop, we waved and he disappeared! (turns out he didn’t recognise us!). We contemplated going over to find him at the hotel but thought he must have a good reason for not stopping to say hello (like he didn’t recognise us!! Lol but we didn’t think of that one) so headed back to the rooms.
Dinner was a bit of an adventure but it was good (must have been the cockroach in the gravy that added that extra flavour!!) and I ate too much again so had to go and have a little lie down (Funniest Home Videos was on so I watched that) before Tess came to get me as everyone was heading back to the pool. I didn’t go swimming but it was nice just hanging out chatting with my feet dangling in the pool.
Eventually we all headed back and hung around chatting until after midnight when I called it a night and crawled into bed (making sure I had the key this time!).
Sunday 9 January 2011
And so the trip comes to an end *cry*. With this knowledge, I just wanted to get the stretch home over and done with. I was up pretty early so loaded up the bike and Steve was doing the same thing so we hatched a plan to ride home together. Nereash was also up so she joined us. We said goodbye to the few people who were up and set off for Cabramurra for breakfast.
I thought we were going to get very wet up there, there were some serious black clouds hanging about, but luckily we missed it all. The café at Cabramurra wasn’t open yet when we got there, but we were advised that they would be in 15 minutes so we hung around and then had a good breakfast. Kimmie and Karl turned up with Glenn and Niva (I think?) so we chatted with them for a bit, they headed off and then so did we.
A brief stop in Adaminiby for fuel and to say our goodbyes and then the boring stretch back home. I had a little cry in my helmet (hurrah for helmets) and it started raining on us after Michelago. Welcome back to Canberra.
All in all it was a FANTASTIC trip – so relaxing and with great company – I just want to go back and do it all again NOW!