After the 4M’s ride I came home with a killer Victorian flu… knocked me on my arse and I was just praying that I would be better in time for the Snowy Ride! A trip to the doctor saw me with the rest of the week off work and come Friday I decided perhaps the best course of action was to simply try and drown the flu with bourbon.
So… 3pm and Tess and I met at Hume ready for the bore to Cooma. A late lunch for me in Cooma before topping up the fuel at Jindabyne then onto Thredbo. As we got closer and closer to Thredbo we had some moments with the idiots on R1’s who just have to be faster in a straight line *roll eyes*. My favourite though, heading towards Thredbo, a CBR600F something had come up behind and was sitting fair up my arse, that was fine an overtaking lane was coming up and he soon went round, followed by the ducati who was following him… until the first bend where I, still in the left lane got to go round the ducati round the outside
but then it was Tess, CBR600 dude, me and then the Ducati… the CBR guy couldn’t ride for shit… luckily Thredbo wasn’t far away.
We found our accommodations (Stevo had kindly draped a CR tshirt out the front) and OMG luxury! It was a 5 bedroom penthouse and it was niiiiiiiice.
CR penthouse
Tess and I were sharing the master bedroom… it was HUGE. We quickly got out of the riding gear and into the drinking gear and joined the rest of the crew out on the balcony.
CR Crew at the Snowy Ride
Jess had brought along heels (!) which Dazzabee kindly modelled for us…
Dazzabee and the heels
Before long, the drinks were kicking in nicely and we were joined by some of the KSRC Crew - Seiko (psycho), The beautiful Gig and The Awesome Robyn
KSRC crew at the Snowy Ride
More drinks were had - the rest had dinner (probably a smart move) until we heard the sounds of the band starting up…. YAY. We moved the party upstairs and hit the dancefloor.
The girls rocking the dancefloor
The band were totally AWESOME, playing all classic pubrock songs 
Eventually they had a break and Tess and I looked at each other, yep time for some cool air… we got outside and the pavers looked so inviting in the cool Thredbo air… so…
stars, angels or something
… we decided to get as much of ourselves in contact with those cool pavers as possible. We caused quite a commotion. Some random dude took possession of my camera and there are heaps of photos of us being stars or angels (as passersby referred to us as). Eventually the band started up again and we were straight back into it… after the second break we decided it was perhaps time to call it a night and we hiked back up to the Penthouse.
Saturday morning dawned bright and fair - the beautiful penthouse room we were in didn’t have curtains on all the windows so we were awake at stupid o’clock (even after a night of barely being able to breathe with the stupid flu - drowning it in bourbon didn’t work). Eventually everybody dragged themselves out of bed and Stevo & Gypsy concocted a fantastic breakfast for everyone. Eventually everyone was ready to go riding - except for me… I gave my ticket to Avartie to collect the stamps for me :o)
Jess decided to forego the ride as well and stayed to keep me company. We had a really nice morning lazing around on the couches and sitting out in the sun on the balcony just chatting. Eventually we decided it was time to go down to the village where we wandered around the shops and looked at the bike displays… and I fell a little bit in love with a Ducati (this has never happened before! Seriously!!)
We then went and had a picnic by the river (well I did - the buns had sesame seeds on so Jess couldn’t eat them) and found a friendly duck which wasn’t quite brave enough to eat straight out of Jess’s hand, but close!
Jess & the duck
We then decided to stick our feet in the river - mistake it was fkn cold! Had a good laugh over that. We then treated ourselves to ice cream before wandering back up the hill to the penthouse (we took the ski slope instead of the stairs… it is really much the same).
More lazing around and eventually everyone came back buzzing from their ride and then… whaddya know, it was bourbon o’clock again!
A couple of drinks before heading down to town, meeting with the KSRC crew (who had now expanded to include Billy & Stace) on the way.
Dizzzy - stayin' alive or directions to the pub?
We had pizza for dinner before heading down to see the band (Hoodoo Gurus this year).. and we ran into an old friend!! anyone remember Baaaaawb? from Ohiiiiiiiiiiooo?
Baaawb from Ohiiiiio
More drinking, more dancing, though I didn’t really rate these guys - but we knew the band from the Friday night was playing at the pub later so at least we had that to look forward to! :o)
Oh… and this was the weekend that MESS was created - arising from Stevo’s confusion (always calling me Tess and calling Tess Mel) - now we are just collectively known as MESS (strangely appropriate). So….
Introducing... MESS
MESS had decided that this was an appropriate evening for the “chicken strip inspection squad” to come out… good decision. We made lots of new friends and featured in a fair number of photos! 
Finally the Hoodoo Gurus finished and we set off to the pub for the good band. We were chilling outside for a bit when the band started in, and when MESS entered everyone was kinda just standing around… now we can’t have that so we dived straight onto the dancefloor and straight into it and by the time the band finished that song that dancefloor was rocking! (and they remembered us from the night before). We danced and danced and danced until the band stopped playing… then it seemed like a good time to go home. We were escorted by some of our new friends and we hung around outside the penthouse for some hours talking away… eventually they left and we were in bed at some ridiculous hour.
Up again at stupid o’clock on Sunday. Those who were heading home did so, some others went for a ride. I found a My Little Pony Puzzle to do and Ben only helped me a little bit (I was very proud). Pity it was missing a piece.
Tess and I were eventually left to our own devices and after some snoozing decided to head “hero” style into town… but everyone had gone! (we did get spotted by the KSRC crew at least).
Back to the penthouse after gathering some supplies and more relaxing ensued…
Tess knows how to relax
and eventually, once again, it was bourbon o’clock and time to head back down to the pub. We caught up with our new friends from the night before for a few games of pool, watching the 125’s and 250’s on the screen. Missed the main race walking back up (kept stopping to admire the stars etc) but just caught the highlights. Another night passed without much sleep and then Monday it was time to ride home 
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