Tickets were bought, accommodation paid for… and I decide I want to sell my house *roll eyes*. My original plan had been to leave either straight from work Wednesday arvo and try and catch the Sydney Crew at Orbost, or up early on Thursday for a straight run down to the island… a shiteful weather forecast decided me… I stayed home Thursday and got underway early Friday morning.
It was a cold but otherwise uneventful run out to Bombala and then down to Cann River. I looked at the Mobil where I usually fill up and I think there was about 300 bikes there so I headed up the road to the Caltex and got straight onto a pump (hurrah for Ms Impatience). I was filling up and noticed a maroon 4WD pulling in very close to me… “don’t hit my bike you fucker” I was thinking… and then there was Skip grinning at me… hi Skip! Met his lovely bride Allison, a bit of a chat before they were on their way, a little snacky for me and it was time to head south.
Being on the A1 now I was taking it very easy (it was a little damp as well) and was soon overtaken by a chick on a ducati and a dude on a sportsbike. Awesome I thought, radar fodder so after I bit I worked my way past all the slower moving traffic… and all too soon caught up to those two… which was great until it came to corners, fark me she could have walked around them faster I think. Anyway eventually they pulled over and I kept going. Stopped here and there for fuel, got absolutely drenched around Morwell and pulled into Mirboo North dripping wet. And then the sun came out :o)
Got into Cowes and checked in at Boomerang… only to find out that in fact the KSRC bookings were NOT altogether :S. So I set up my tent on my patch of grass and went in search of the others - nope they weren’t back from the track yet so I set off for some supplies and poured myself a bourbon and then they were all there :o) Pizza for dinner and a reasonably early night.
Out to the track Sunday morning and it was just awesome to watch all these dudes I’d been watching on the telly all year whizzing round in front of me! Caught up with heaps of people and a good day was had. Over on the side of the expo they had Rossi’s 100 wins banner! Wooohoooo!
Rossi's banner part 1
Rossi's banner part 2
Rossi's banner part 3
Rossi's banner part 4
Rossi's banner part 5
Rossi's banner part 6
These photos were taken with my phone camera and it was kinda hard to match it all up 
Caught up with Alli which was AWESOME been far too long between drinks!
We met these dudes who offered me a pillage
But I politely declined… I think they were secretly pleased…
Wonder what would have happened if I had of accepted…
Eventually the day was over and Team Kawasaki headed into town for pizza for dinner again :o) While we were waiting for the pizza Gig and I went into a handy bar to have a look (Gig is awesome at picking out the hot boys for me hehe) and we made some new friends.
This dude had a shirt with Valentino Rossi’s signature on it
He assured me that he was a close and personal friend of Valentino Rossi’s, who had just signed his shirt that morning
In any event, he was very cute and had a totally hot accent (Irish) but I felt him up, I mean I felt the signature and it was printed on so I gave him a kuda for the camera and left
The pizza was worth the wait and we all traipsed back to the caravan park to sit around talking more and having a few bourbons.
We eventually decided that we were all old and boring and to make up for that we must, absolutely must go into town. So we did. Got down to the end of the main street where the band was playing and OMG they were utter crap. Absolutely murdered Enter Sandman while we were arriving and didn’t improve. Luckily they only did two more songs and then we called it a night and headed back to the caravan park.
Stace tried to do black murder upon me in the night with his silent but deadly farts (I thought I’d be safe with him safely sealed within his sleeping bag) but I managed to survive somehow and it was up and out to the track :o) Gig managed to talk me into walking around the entire circuit and didn’t I bitch and moan the whole way! But we had lots of rest breaks where we admired the view
Eventually everyone got really excited cuz some dudes in cars were driving past
And I didn’t really see what the big deal was until Rossi came past and then I got really excited too <3
Gig and I eventually completed our circuit, and I fell down and died for a bit. Dad came over and watched the race with me which was kinda cool - he was backing Stoner and I Rossi so it was fairly competitive commentating from our little spot :o) After the race Dad left and I caught up with Alli for a bit, before packing up and heading back to the car.
The queues to get out were huge and not moving so we set up camp around the car and had some bourbons while waiting for the queue to start moving…
How's the serenity
And before long we were rolling back into Boomerang. Into the bourbons and off to town for pizza… again. Eventually everyone wanted to go to bed and I didn’t and nobody would come into town with me and they made me promise not to go into town on my own so I wandered back to my little tent and crawled inside with my bourbon in hand and thought that was really boring so I crawled back out and thought if I went and stood out on the mainstreet and watched the world go by for a bit that would be OK. So I was just crawling out through the fence when some dudes were coming back into the park - they advised me that nothing was happening in town, but they were the party! So I collected what remained of my bourbon and followed them to their camp. I was pretty pissed by that stage and think I managed to insult every single one of them so eventually I left them in peace and went to bed.
Woke up fairly early, surprisingly not too hungover, packed up my gear and by that time none of the other KSRC crew had surfaced so I hit the road (after bidding a somewhat sheepish goodbye to my party friends from the night before who it turned out were camped straight across from me).
Headed up to Inverloch and fuelled up and was debating whether to try a new road home or just go through Mirboo North… the latter prevailed and as I went through the roundabout I got caught up in a group of riders and at the last minute recognised Jet Pilot! Took me ages to realise I was actually in the KSRC group… they all pulled in at Traralgon so I did too - maccas breaky and a bit of a catch up - but I had a lot of kays to go (and they were all going for Moussaka bastards) so I left them too it… only to catch up with them at Bairnsdale. Rode through to Bruthen with them and waved them goodbye as they turned for the good roads and I continued on the slab.
A quick lunch at Cann River then headed for home. I was debating whether or not to go to coffee but seeing as I was riding past there at the right time I pulled in but didn’t stay for all that long and then home and to bed :o)
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