I wasn’t going to go to the Kings Rally, CJ had asked me to go and see a band at the Wee Jasper pub… but on Wednesday she cancelled so I was going a-rallying!
I had arranged to leave work early on the Friday but woke not feeling so great so stayed home and rested up for a bit and by lunch time I was feeling better. I loaded up the bike and set off for Mamma Leen’s, arriving about 2:20pm - it was windy as hell and the roads were wet but no rain on me.
Mamma Leen was just finishing packing the trailer… that thing is farken huge!!!!
Mamma Leen and the Mammoth Trailer
Terry was there and Reigan and Ang so a bit of a chat with them and then Bruce turned up on the Behemoth (a huge BMW thing).
Bruce's Behemoth
Mamma Leen, having not previously ridden with the trailer on, decided that a lap around the block was in order and Bruce kindly followed her - only to return and be told that when she indicates left the right indicator in the trailer comes on! D’oh!
Bruce quickly sorted that out, and Dazzabee arrived and we commenced the Kambah Rally. ChrisMac and Barconian eventually rolled in and we all settled in to await the arrival of the red Ford bearing the last of our party - Dazza.
Dazzabee's GSXF650
Kambah Rally
Barconian and the CB1300
We amused ourselves chatting, being waved at by drivers and having a P-plater threaten to wipe out all of the bikes! (well except mine which was safely tucked away in the garage).
Finally - HURRAH - Dazza turned up which prompted a mad last-minute dash for wees before we were all underway. We rolled out with Mamma Leen (with Dazza riding Bitch) in the lead and me bringing up the rear… it wasn’t long before ChrisMac’s luggage threatened to depart from his bike (not really but it looked like it) so I waved him over and we had a bit of a shuffle of it. Mamma Leen and crew had waited for us on the Federal so once we were all accounted for off we set - next stop Kings Rally! Or not. Still on the Federal ChrisMac’s luggage played up again so he unstrapped it all and we started from scratch… underway and it quickly got dark and those of us who only had tinted visors had an interesting ride! Dazzabee had also pulled over so we three set off again, the others out of site until around Marulan suddenly a Behemoth appears in front of me! Wooo we have caught the group.
We turned off on the Illawarra Highway and then we made our way out to the rally site. We paid our entry fee and the boys led the way into the camping paddock… of course they started heading for the furthest corner - Leen and I pulled up and said no way, we don’t wanna be that far from the toilets so made to set up camp near the fence… before the long the organisers told us we were in the middle of where the gymkhana would be held… next site selected and they came and told us some other reason not to camp there (can’t remember now) and finally third time lucky and 15 miles away from the toilets we set up camp.
I had some disagreements with my tent but eventually I was set up - after Bruce kindly spurring me on by providing me with a cup ful of green steam and Dazza helping me with “broken” poles. Finally I was set up and ventured over to see what was happening with the fire… what fire? There was not much of a fire going… but it turns out ChrisMac is a pyro so in short order we had a truly awesome fire going on. Mamma Leen fed me and I settled in with my bottle of bourbon. I decided at some point that self portraits were the go… now these are on my camera, that’s why I feature in everysingle one of them…
Me and Mamma Leen
Me and Dazza
Me and Barconian
Me and ChrisMac
Me and Bruce
I’m obviously just itching to hang my tongue out…
Me and Dazzabee (and shapes)
A truly terrible (I’m sure) singalong ensued as well as a spirited debate between myself and ChrisMac about the virtues of Under the Bridge vs Everlong LOL… it was a fun night anyway, I believe we had some very profound discussions and perhaps solved all the problems of the world (only to forget them in an alcohol daze…) eventually one by one the participants drifted off to bed, I think I went about 2:30am.
Woke up at daytime on Saturday and managed to scam a lift with Carl up to the toilets (thanks Carl!) but walked back. Sat around the fire for a bit and had coffee and bacon and eggs for breakfast (thanks Mamma Leen!) but after a while came down with a headache so retired to my tent to try and sleep it off…. bit hard with two dirt bikes riding over my tent (sounded like). Eventually they stopped playing for a while and I got some sleep and Panadol helped and then I was good again 
Whiled the afternoon away kicking back by the fire… wandered up to the top and had a look around the stall with Mamma Leen for a bit (where she bought me a really awesome Hello Kitty patch
) then more fireside action. Barconian, Dazzabee, IRAB and Avartie had all gone off for a ride and eventually they returned. Mycroft had turned up as well and soon started construction on the Mystical Tent of Mayhem and Mystery (aka the shower tent)
Mycroft and The Mystery Tent
I also decided it was snacky time so stuck some All Day Breakfast in a Can by the fire to warm up
All Day Breakfast in a Can
Took ages to warm up but I think it was worth wait.
Sun went down on another day and conversations continued with some of the SCUM tourers joining us. Mamma Leen cooked me an awesome dinner (entree: pumpkin soup, mains: T-bone with onion and pepper sauce) For some reason bourbon o’clock came around pretty late…
The bonfire was eventually lit - I don’t know that my pics can convey the size of it but it was fkn huge.
Then the green steam came out… and everyone got a photo! (or I decided that every one should have a photo…)
ChrisMac and Green Steam
Barconian and the Green Steam
IRAB and the Green Steam
Greg(?) and the Green Steam
Mycroft & Friends with the Green Steam
I knew their names before… is has escaped me now 
Oh of course… yours truly…
Me and the Green Steam
It was a much earlier and soberer night than the previous night (well for me anyway….) and I went to bed…. and froze my arse off! Missed the alcohol blanket of the night before… ended up sleeping burrowed right down in my sleeping bag with my jacket over my head… woke up to the sounds of Bruce packing up his tent and I’m all like “WTF is he doing it’s dark” but then I stuck my head out of my cocoon… right it’s daylight. So I got up to say goodbye and then just stayed up.
Walked up to the toilets and grabbed a free coffee (hurrah for free coffee) before putting in some more time in front of the fire… eventually everyone else got up and we all sat around chatting, Mamma Leen cooked me an awesome breakfast again (Thanks Mamma Leen!) and eventually I started packing up my stuff and others did the same and then it was time to go. I decided that I really just wanted to go home by that stage so followed everyone out, they all turned off for the Sutton Forest service centre and I waved goodbye, stopped in at Marulan for fuel then just slabbed it home via the takeaway for some more grease.
Had a great weekend, thanks to everyone for the company!
(and I came home and tried to learn to play Under the Bridge but have assigned it to the to hard basket LOL)
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