It was to be my first day out on the TTR250 :D The TTR was still up at Gos’s place cuz I’d been slack and not picked it up yet, James was bringing a trailer to trailer one of Gos’s bikes out as well as the TTR so at the appointed hour I wandered up the street to find the bikes already loaded. Eventually Pat turned up and the 750 was loaded and then the buggy came out… looks awesome! loaded that up and left Gos to sort out a few other things and we headed off. Stopped at Bungendore for a wee break and Mick and Jono turned up so we had a bit of a chat before getting underway again and off to Larbert. Paid our fee and then headed back to where everyone was gathered.
Bikes were unloaded and we all stood around chatting for a bit. Gos turned up and everyone was playing around with the buggy for a bit and then it was time :) James filled her up for me and then tried to start it… oops flat battery. IT had started fine when it was delivered to Gos’s place! Bugger. He tried kick starting it, wouldn’t fire, so they tried bump starting it, still no go. Not a good start! Eventually jump started it and let her run for a good while then it was time to go :) Geared up and Mick kindly offered to come out with me for my first go… thanks Mick! He got on the Wizard (Gos’s 500) and we set off.. before long Mick had left me behind and he waited for me… it felt so good… okay so I was just on the main dirt road but it was fast for me! I could feel the bike moving around underneath me and it FELT GOOD (not like on the roadbikes where I just panic!!! lol). We went up to the quarry and Jono and Charlie and Pat were all there going up the big hill thingos… I had no inclination to go up the big hill thingos so I just rode around in circles a few times or hung around watching the boys doing their thing…
Came back from doing a circle around the quarry and saw Mick go down… oooops he’d flipped it and now the wizard had a new sissy bar :lol:. He picked himself back up and then headed back… I didn’t know where he had gone but decided to go back also cuz I figured that was what he had done… went out of the quarry a different way and was worried that I was lost already but it was okay :lol: cruised back and had the biggest grin on my face 
Then James was going to have a go, but I noticed something was leaking out of it, I swiped my fingers and sniffed but with the stupid flu I couldn’t smell anything through my clogged nose, so when James asked if it was fuel (we had overfilled it before) I said I think so. Anyway, he took off, promptly nearly lost it (no matter how controlled he says it was hahaha). He came back and it was leaking a lot worse… that’s not fuel, that’s oil! Pat’s dad loaned me some tools and we pulled the front sprocket cover off… bugger there was a patch job on a bolt flange and it was leaking out of there. NO more riding for the TTR that day.
Watched the others coming and going for a bit and then Jono convinced me that he would ride Charlie’s KTM and I would take Mick’s KLR. Mick said that was okay, and then I got a lesson in kickstarting (I learned that I kickstart like a girl hahaha). The KLR looked so easy to start, but I couldn’t do it! Eventually Mick got it going for me and then Jono headed off and then I followed him and I noticed Pat pulling behind me! Nooooo can’t have someone who knows what they are doing behind me!!!!! LOL. I stuck my foot out for him to go past but he didn’t (maybe dirty riders don’t do this????). Anyway back to the quarry where they did some more going up the hills things and I did a few more circles round the bottom but I was feeling really uncomfortable being on someone elses bike so did more sitting there and watching them…. then they were heading off to do some “single” and convinced me that I should do it too… they stopped at the turn and I tried to brake using the rear brake… eeeeeeeeeeeek! Overshot them by heaps, thought about doing a u-turn but decided to just head back, i really didn’t feel right being on Mick’s bike (I know that he wouldn’t care if I fell over on it but I would!!!!!!!) so I waved goodbye to the boys and headed back.
The BBQ lunch was awesome and well appreciated and then spent the rest of the arvo lazing about chatting and watching everyone come and go. Eventually it was time to go home and we got back to Gos’s, unloaded the bikes, Pat and James left, Gos rolled the TTR home for me (thanks Gos!) and then finally I was at home and was not long into bed (grrr stupid flu - really felt like hell).
So it was only a short turn on the TTR but I loved it and can’t wait to get out on it again! 
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