It was to be the usual suspects from the HCC heading to Halls Gap this year until four days before we were due to depart and I saw Gos at coffee… he’s probably not going… WTF? How can we go to HG without Gos? Spewing. I made a bit of a joke comment saying how I wouldn’t get a go on the 12 then and somehow it ended up that I might ride the MFP12 to HG. I thought about it, spoke to Gos about it and we decided that I would! I thought it would be great to at least have Gos’s bike there if Gos himself couldn’t be there :o) So he softened off the suspension for me and dug out his ventura rack and dropped round Thursday arvo so I could take it for a quick spin to get a feel for the beast. He took posession of the 9 and I locked the 12 up for the night.
Friday morning dawned clear and not too cold (about 6 degrees). I suited up, loaded the bag onto the MFP12 and set off for the servo to meet Mick C and PC. PC was already there and I was already worried about being on the 12… riding it was one thing, how the hell was I going to park it???? PC offered to move it from the pumps for me but I managed. Mick C rolled up and after a quick chat we were underway.
We rode straight through to Wagga where we fuelled and stopped for morning tea - at a different cafe to the last two years! We also learned that in Wagga you are not allowed to smoke at any table outside a cafe anymore and it is a $110.00 on the spot fine (the cafe staff told us, we didn’t learn the hard way).
After we were fed it was off again, through Lockhart and Urana and onto Jerilderie to top up the fuel again then Deniliquin for lunch at the usual spot. Yes I ate lunch this time though it was so big I could only eat half (and yes I still blame not eating lunch for last year’s friday night shenanigans).
Round the corner to get some fuel and then the bike whoring began - Mick C hopped on the 12 and I got on the Crim
:D it was just like being back on Jimmy!
:D through Barham and onto Kerang where we had to stop and consult the map again (damn we missed you Gos!! hahaha). Mick kindly let me continue on the crim (yesssssssssssss I got to do THE corner on the Crim!) and we pulled into the servo at Charleton with the fuel lights on both the zeddy and the MFP12 flashing and the crim not even on reserve yet (its good to ride like a girl
Fuelled up then onto St Arnaud (patron saint of biscuits) then Stawell for a final top up before the final dash into Halls Gap, arriving at 5:30pm. and there were only two there? Seiko and Dutch but where the hell were the rest? Stace had bike problems so they were on their way.
The HCC have arrived!
Said gidday and then I spotted it… the sexiest 7 I ever did see so I had to go drool over that for a while.
Dutch's 7
The rest turned up soon after and then the bourbons came out and a fun night was had by all (I believe - I know I had fun!)
Saturday morning dawned bright and fair… I presume, I didn’t get up until about 10am! Most had wandered down to town for breakfast so I sat around talking with the few who remained then jumped on the back with Billy to see what the others were doing - they were heading back so back to the motel room. I had planned to go down to Dartmoor to get the FarRider tag and Mick C and PC had decided to come with me so we saddled up and off we went, with me leading for a change! We went through Hamilton and then Digby(?) and onto the A1 for the 3km into Dartmoor.
Got the tag photo
and then the silly photo 
fuel and then it was bike whoring time again. PC hopped on the 12, Mick C on the zeddy and I was on the Crim again (damn shame). I had thought we were going to stop for some lunch at Hamilton but PC was having a turn at leading and he just didn’t stop. He missed the turn off for the way into Halls Gap that we had come but if we went straight it would take us to Halls Gap anyway so we continued on. In places the road was single lane and only widened out on the corners and it was pretty bumpy… and the crim handled the bumps just like Jimmy! :D I was very aware that I had Mick C behind me and that I was on his bike though… eventually we wound our way back over the range (so glad I wasn’t on the 12 for this part!) before back on the main road to Halls Gap… I have to admit I was having very irresponsible thoughts on the crim heading along here… PC said later that he kept expecting me to go flying past cuz everytime he looked in his mirrors I was up his arse… but responsibility won out and I didn’t.
Back into the motel, time for some left over pizza from dinner the night before and then it was bourbon o’clock. Fires and bourbons and good company and by midnight it was time for bed.
Sunday morning was foggy and dark! Breakfast wasn’t open yet so we had a quick coffee before starting the bikes and waking a few up (Billy and Funky came out to say goodbye
). We froze our way into Stawell to fuel up again and then the return route was the same. We stopped in Kerang to try and find our bakery, eventually we found it… and it was CLOSED!!!!!! We found another cafe that was just opening up so some morning tea and we were back under way. Lunch at the roadhouse at Jerilderie where I was so full I couldn’t keep my feet on the pegs anymore once we left cuz my belly was hurting so bad from overeating :lol:.
Bikes at Charleton
Got back into Canberra… can’t remember what time now. Said our farewells and I had intended to buy a six pack of jimmies to take to Gos to say thanks for letting me take the MFP12 (and being one for each time I took his bike over 200) but I plain forgot.
I had an absolute ball on the 12 on the Sunday, I really clicked with it, it didn’t feel big at all and I swear that thing has the comfiest seat I have ever sat on. But I think a crim will be my next bike 
The MFP12
Got back onto the 9 and it felt tiny!!! for the huge trip home from Gos’s place.
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