Saturday morning was foggy. I was due to meet Stevo and Mitch at Bungendore at 8am so after checking the oil etc. I headed off from my place about 7:15am.
Cruising out on the Federal Hwy it was cold and there were patches of fog which kept freezing on my visor… grrrr. Macs Reef Road was good - sunny and mostly dry but coming down Smiths Gap I descended into very heavy fog - pulled up at the servo in Bungendore, turned of the bike and I sounded like…. cellaphane? WTF??? got the helmet off and realised my jacket was covered in ice… no wonder I was so freakin cold!
icy jacket
Filled up then went and spent some quality time in the toilets under the hand dryer - Stevo and Mitch turned up and we waited… and waited… and waited for James - gave up on him at about 8:25am and headed for the warmth.
It was cold going out to Braidwood with patches of fog here and there and the visors continuing to ice over. We rolled straight through Braidwood then on towards the Clyde - after about Government the temperature rose by about 10 degrees I swear and soon the boys were out of sight and I had the mountain to myself
Had a good run down the Clyde, a quick regroup at Nelligen then onto Maccas at the Bay for coffee/breakfast. Lost the jumper here 
From the Bay we just cruised down the Highway, had a good run through the rollercoaster then stopped in Narooma for fuel and a consult of the map. It was decided Tathra for lunch and we took the road out through Bermagui etc to get there - once again I quickly lost sight of the boys but that was okay - I was just cruising and everything was flowing nicely 
Pulled up at the Tathra pub and the sun was shining and we all had our lunch out on the balcony - the wind was a little on the chilly side but not enough to put the jumper back on.
After lunch we mounted up and continued on to Pambula before heading up through Wyndham and Mt Darragh.
Mt Darragh was in fairly ordinary condition, they are doing a bit of work up there at the moment so there was *alot* of loose gravel over the road on the lower half. Mitch and Stevo had pulled up at the first really bad patch (I’m assuming to make sure that I came through it okay) and then I quickly lost sight of them again. Eventually the loose gravel sections came to an end and then the road was just fiiiiiine
I quickly found my rythym, it didn’t feel particularly fast but it was smooooth - I had a ball and inspection of my rear tyre at Bombala showed that I had in fact been leaning more than I thought!
Fuelled up at Bombala and then settled in to wait for Rob who had just picked up the new bluebird in Melbourne and was riding it back to Canberra. We found coffee and then before long Rob pulled in, we checked out the new steed and then it was back on the bikes heading for home.
We stopped at Polo Flat so Rob could get fuel and I could smoke
and then we bored our way back to Canberra along the Monaro with the promise of Stevo’s spa at the end
We got back to Stevo’s, Mitch loaded his bike back on the trailer then it was into the spa - what a great way to end the day 
It was a good day out and it was a real shame that James couldn’t make it in the end - he is still my favourite to ride with and at least then I would have had someone to chase in the twisties! LOL.
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