We all met at the appointed hour (9am) at Hume, there was a stack of other bikes there heading off to the Autumn Leaf Rally (I think) who headed off before us, so after a quick go go juice (red, they had no black
The Three Amigos at Hume:
Luggage... this seems familiar... wrong colour cans though!
We bored our way to Cooma through the cold and fog - after a wee break in Cooma we were off to Adaminiby, thankfully the fog was gone and it was absolutely gorgeous through here. We caught up with (I think?) the same group of riders, maybe another one, got past them and onto Adaminiby for refueling before the fun stuff began.
The Three Amigos at Adaminiby:
As always the fun begins when we hit the yellow lines, and soon enough Kip and Stevo were out of my sight. They have been resealing sections along here and it was smoooooooooooth
before continuing on down Cabramurra road, then across the border into Corryong for lunch. Steak sandwiches and fish n chips for lunch. I asked a passerby to take a group photo of us
I guess digital cameras are a bit different from what he had in his days, bless his cotton socks
Bikes and Stevo & Kip outside The Courthouse Hotel:
We fuelled up once again before heading off down the Murray River Road, we all stuck together for this part, it was nice to ride in a group with Stevo in the lead and Kip putting on a nice show getting his knee down all over the place
Just before Granya Gap Kip took the lead and we set off up the hill, Kip was out of sight very quickly and soon enough Stevo was gone too... all too soon came around a corner to see Stevo pulling over and Kip standing next to the CBR in a ditch
so after a few happy snaps bike was picked up and checked out, looked okay, started okay, Stevo rode it out of the ditch and off to the other side of the road. Kip was in a fair bit of pain in his left shoulder, had a couple of panadols and a rest for about an hour before getting on his bike to give it a go. Stevo and I set off after him a short while later and damn me if he didn't beat us down the bottom of Granya one handed
Straight up the highway to Albury Base Hospital to get the shoulder checked out... there was only about 2 people in the ED when we got there... we must have just beat rush hour because it filled up very quickly. Saw the cutest thing ever (and those who know me will know that I *never* get gushy over kid things... but this was just too cute):
Maybe you had to be there...
After about four hours (I think??) at the hospital, the x-ray revealed broken scapula, a sling was duly applied and we exited the hospital. Stevo had set off earlier to find us some accommodation for the night so he gave us directions by phone and off we went, Kip one handed. We had a really good run with lights etc, and Stevo had been waiting for us and led us into the pub where we were staying for the night. Got the bikes parked and unloaded, got changed then into the pub for dinner. After dinner we retired to the balcony outside our room for a few drinks before all heading to bed pretty early.
Saturday morning dawned cold and grey. We set off into town by foot to find a chemist for the good drugs for kip and some headphones for me, as the decision had been made to slab it back up the Hume to Canberra (even though kip was willing to continue on to Eden broken shoulder and all
Kip and I rocking Albury... or something (well I'm still eating the sausage)
...we headed back to the pub, loaded kip up with painkillers, loaded the bikes up, Stevo strapped Kip's shoulder into place and we were on our way. About 40km up the road got pulled over by Constable Care... bugger... ah well lesson learnt, Kip and I both paid our contribution to the donut fund and we were on our way again. Stopped at Gundagai for fuel and lunch then back to Canberra.
So there endeth the C.R.A.P.
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