Mel's Lone Ride/Camping Trip - Warrumbungles
Well as the office was closed for two weeks and I was on enforced holidays I decided that I wanted to go camping. I had no idea where I wanted to go but thought a few days away, somewhere quiet where I could hang out, trees and grass and shit, read some trashy books, do a bit of riding sounded great
I decided a National Park somewhere would be the go, so searched for camping areas with paved access and it brought up the Warrumbungle National Park... near Coonabarabran. Google Maps informed me that it was 550km from Canberra to Coonabarabran, a decent day's ride so right, Coonabarabran was the destination!I aimed to leave on Wednesday but was too hungover...
so Thursday I aimed to leave early but shit happens as it does and I didn't get away until about 1pm. Got to Cowra in good time, consulted my map, quickest way was to head up through Canowindra towards Molong but I'd been that way before so fuck it, I went to Forbes where I hadn't been before
along the road to Forbes I started off with a ute following fairly close to me, I'd speed up and he'd stick with me anyway
at about $1.40 something hit me in the leg and faaark it hurt! I slowed down a bit and the bogan ute overtook me... game on! Forgot the pain in my leg while giving chase... was very disappointed when he turned off into a property a short time later. Fuelled up at Forbes, then continued on to Parkes, it was about 5pm by this time so decided Parkes was a good enough destination for the night, set up camp in the local caravan park and was greeted by a local resident there, by the name of Snow. After I got the tent up he invited me in for a cool drink and we watched some race he had some bets on... it was like stepping back in time, this ancient caravan and his original condition kingswood
he was a nice bloke but, gave me some good suggestions for tea, born and bred in Parkes, he told me stories about how the town has changed, etc. Meandered into the local RSL for tea, then a can of Jimmy back at the tent before bed
Woke up Friday morning feeling very unwell, hung about for a bit and it went away, only to come back and go which went on all day, feel fine for about 15 minutes than bam, terrible stomach pains... I match it to whatever it was that got me on the road the day before, it was looking pretty nasty too... meh packed up and on my way, headed up to Dubbo and on to Coonabarabran. Pulled into Coonabarabran at about 12:30... by then the road bug had bitten but I was at my destination... ended up pulling into the tourist info place and sitting there arguing with myself about continuing on (Tamworth was about 200km away and not far beyond the good part of the Oxley... but money was a bit of a concern!!) While I was sitting there a dude on a blue ZX9R pulled in, I said g'day, he looked at me, looked at the bike, looked back at me and said "is that yours??" and when I said it was he was all like "awesome!!!!!" hehehe anyway chatted to him for ages before he went in search of beer and I contemplated heading out to the warrumbungles but was feeling really shitty so opted to stay at the caravan park in town, just in case. set up camp, pulled up a patch of grass under a tree and whiled away the afternoon in trashy novels
Saturday morning dawned a bit grey and spitting rain every now and then. I went into town for some breakfast, then headed out to the warrumbungles. I really wish I had of had some shoes other than my bike boots, a short 500m walk up a hill to a lookout left me limping and with blisters
there isn't much you can see from roads through there, well there is but so much more on foot so next time I will bring walking shoes... went through all the national park that I could, then back to a picnic area I had seen on my way out for a bit of a rest (was still feeling pretty awful). Across the creek was the base of this huge mountain? rock pile? I dunno but it didn't look to far away, so tried to jump across the creek by means of a log and some rocks, slipped off one of the rocks so foot went straight into the water... top marks for the boots my foot stayed dry though my jeans were soaked to about halfway up to the top of the boots! Headed back to my tent after that for more reading of said trashy novels... Pissed down with rain Saturday night, so packed everything up wet on Sunday morning and headed off, rained but only lightly (not enough to need the plastic suit thank god because it was pretty hot) the sun was out by Dubbo
I had a pretty good run home, got in about 4pm after stopping in just about every town just because I could.All in all was a very relaxing few days when I was feeling good, covered 1200+ km, read three books, road some pretty long and straight roads but sometimes that's a good thing, saw about a million B-doubles, and about 100 caravans, no Constable Care out on the roads and the only wildlife was in the NP (the scrawniest most unhealthy looking roo I have ever seen happily munching grass as I rolled by and three emus)
Got yelled at by my mum last night when I showed her mark from insect from Thursday (apparently I should have gone to the hospital)
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