Another weekend has come and gone…
Saturday was the Got’M learner ride which I’d said I’d help out with… it was freezing, but duly set off (with a complaining 6 LOL she didn’t wanna go)… James came along to take some photos - thanks James! We had about 10 of us at one stage… then three nicked off to go to the coast instead
so jealous LOL then another two went home cuz they were too cold… fair enough it was like 0 degrees or something!
Bikes at the museum
Off we went up Red Hill, Mt Ainslie and Black Mountain, upright throuhg all the corners! stopping at Botanical Gardens for coffee, then finally the sun came out!
Bikes on Lady Denman Drive
Alli and I went out to Joes to get my money back on the fairing bracket, then off to CMC to see about getting a new one
a new one is half the price that bloody Joe’s charged me for the one off the 7 … grrr… anyway, about three weeks and the 6 will be gaffa tape free once more… yay! We of course drooled over all the bikes on display… my 636 is still there… one day it will come home with me…
Saturday night was Anne’s “extension warming” party which was a lot of fun, caught up with some people I haven’t seen in a while (Dene & Richard if you are reading this Mike! They are well.)
Sunday the HCC rode again… the 6 was much happier to run, even though conditions were about the same as Saturday! Was just warming up the bike when Gos appeared at my driveway… he’d borrowed Mick’s GPZ and she didn’t appreciate the cold weather and was refusing to start. Gos was gonna keep trying so I rode up to his place, and Darren had turned up by then too with his son in tow… still no luck on the GPZ, so Gos jumped in the car and led us over to Mick’s place, where his new zeddy was accompanied by some gixxer and his mate Dan :)
We headed off for Chisholm and met up with MickC on his old dunger, his mate on the 14, a new KSRCian on a black zeddy and James on the Fuelstorm (ha… tables are turned now - he’s always hanging shit on me for riding kwaka…) Darren left us here cuz his son was freezing (poor little bugger) so off we went to Honeysuckle… once we got a bit past Tharwa the fog was gone and the sun was out, was gorgeous in the sun at Honeysuckle! Turned around and headed back to the cold and fog to Tharwa where Gos was waiting for us… he’d got the old girl running. We all decided coffee was in order so off to the tracking station where the sun promptly came out once we got there - yay! We sat around in the sun drinking coffee and talking shit, as you do :) Then off to the cotter… the dude on the black zeddy had a bit of a moment
but he came through it okay, so all was good
then up over Mt MacDonald, which I am still absolutely terrible on after my “incident” on Anzac Day… but slowly getting better. Over Uriarra Crossing, then at Coppins Crossing road the southsiders kept going and the rest of us turned off for home… Mick C put some piccies up on KSRC and Gos wrote a great report! I had to go into work so waved goodbye to the boys and blah blah work 
Had arranged to go to Mum’s for dinner, hadn’t been over there in ages, and in true form Trina and I managed to disgust her with just how much food we can eat… Mum had made enough to feed four… Jen didn’t turn up and Mum wasn’t feeling too good so she didn’t have any… and Trina and I proceeded to eat the lot! LOL
Mum has foxtel so after Big Brother I was allowed to watch the GP… had both Mum and Trina watching it, neither of them have any real interest in bikes at all
and I managed to fall asleep and only just catch the last couple of laps 
Anyway, that was my weekend…. was good, though as usual busy!
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