I had a bit of annual leave built up, my grandmother’s 80th birthday was set down for 23 July so I decided to make a real holiday of it and not go home between then and the Border Run.
I decided to set off straight from work on Wednesday 20 July and I had planned to go as far as Raymond Terrace and then slab the rest of the way on Thursday, arriving at Jen and Stuie’s love nest Thursday evening. I had had a lot of very bad food (laksa and cupcakes and coke) and I ended up hiccuping most of the way to Sydney - not far out of Sydney it started bucketing down with rain and it quickly became apparent that my waterproof jacket had lost it’s waterproofing. So I hiccuped my way through to Mt Kuringai (I know that’s not spelt right) where I got a motel room and spread out everything I owned to dry out with the aircon set at 24 degrees.
In the morning I awoke to the sound of very heavy rain… oh well. I lay about for a while hoping that it would clear up but it wasn’t to be. All my gear had dried out so I packed up and set off and within about five minutes I was soaked to the skin again. It was cold, visibility was very poor, a most miserable ride. Just straight up the Pacific Highway so nothing too exciting.
Around Taree the rain started to ease off and when I stopped at the service centre at Port Macquarie the sun had come out. I was still freezing as I was wet but I checked the radar and it looked like I had left the rain behind so I changed into dry clothes and from then on it was quite pleasant (even almost too hot! Yay!).
An uneventful journey north…
It was quite a dull trip actually, I won’t go that way again.
Got into QLD after dark and rang Stuie who gave me directions to the love nest, getting in around… ummm 7pm? Jen got home from work about 9pm and it wasn’t too long before I was in bed.
Friday everyone was at work and I ended with a migraine of the worst sort… not much fun at all. It was my grandmother’s birthday so we were all going out for dinner (heaps of the family were there). It was a bit of a shame, I was quite groggy from all the drugs I had taken that day so not much of a conversationalist. The place we went to (George’s Paragon or something like that) was really nice though.
Saturday was Oma’s party - there were heaps of people and she really enjoyed it and OMG the food was pretty awesome. Krissy (cousin) and I ended up on clean up duties which was really dull and my migraine was still bothering me so again not much fun for me. Oh well.
Sunday we had breakfast round at my aunty’s place before the rest of the family all set off for home. Oma really enjoyed her 80th birthday celebrations.
I then spent the next week and a bit lazing about on the Gold Coast (aka Paradise). Facebook kept me informed of the extreme cold snap that Canberra went through… every morning while I was sitting outside in my summer jammies 
Oma and me
Breakfast at Burleigh Heads
Surfer's Paradise
Coomera River
Every day there was glorious and all too soon it was time to leave *sadface*. I had decided to leave on the Monday and take my time getting to Border Village. I left at a reasonable hour and headed south on the motorway, going off through Bangalow and Lismore. I had planned to do the Bruxner Highway up to Tenterfield but as I was leaving Casino there was warnings that a bridge somewhere was closed and there was no access through until later that afternoon, so I turned around, down to Grafton and then the Gwydir Highway up to Glen Innes where I had a bit of a break before continuing on west.
By the time I got to Warialda I had had enough of riding into the sun so started looking around for accommodation. The first pub didn’t have any and the second pub looked dodgy as, but I didn’t spot anywhere else (until I left the next morning and saw the motel on the other side of town) so the dodgy looking pub it was. Looks can be deceiving! My room was clean and comfortable and I had AN ELECTRIC BLANKET!, the bike was undercover and I had perhaps the best shower I have ever had. After I was all cleaned up I went into the bar where the bourbon flowed nicely and I had a great evening chatting with the locals and the publican. Before long I headed for bed.
In the morning I couldn’t get out of bed… no I wasn’t too hungover - I was just in love with that electric blanket. Not quite the early start I had been hoping for… oh well. Eventually got underway, through Moree and kept heading west towards Bourke.
The weather just got better and better as I went along - it was really lovely.
Continued on through Walgett and Brewarrina and eventually into Bourke.
Now Bourke is one of those places on the map that I have always just wanted to visit (that whole back o’ bourke thing) plus my dad’s old friend Possum who I have some vague childhood memories of apparently runs a pub out there. So I had planned on staying there. In the end I decided it would be weird going and finding some chick just because she used to be friends with my dad (who has been dead for some 26 years) and I couldn’t find any accommodation anyway, other than the pub which wanted $50.00 for the room (bah I’m not paying $50.00 for a pub room says I!) so I kept going.
I rolled out of Bourke with eyes the size of dinner plates worrying about wildlife as it was getting on in the day… and I saw nothing. Stopped about halfway to Cobar to swap to the clear visor and it was dark by the time I rolled into Cobar. Found a pub with accommodation… “it’s nothing flash” says the publican but with my experience of the night before figured it would be fine. WRONG!. Dirtiest, most disgusting pub I have ever stayed in, dirty glass in my room and who knows when it last saw a vacuum cleaner and the bathrooms were filthy (and no toilet paper!) and parking was terrible too. Note to self - don’t stay there again!
Wednesday morning I was up early and outta there. Found fuel and the bakery where I sat down for breakfast to figure out which way I was going to go, either out through Wilcannia and Broken Hill or down through Mt Hope and Hay. I checked the forecast and they were talking about strong winds out near Broken Hill so I went south. Lovely run down through to Mt Hope, the sun was shining, the roads were empty, just beautiful.
Fuel at Hillston and then onto Goolgowi where the wind came up… grrrr. Into Hay and I was getting very sore from fighting the wind all the time. Was tempted to pull the pin there but decided to ‘man up’ and continued on… across the Hay Plain was just as miserable, fuelled up at Balranald and decided Euston was as far as I was going to go (besides I knew the meals at the Euston Club were pretty good…). Got a room at the motel (and was upgraded to the executive room!), went and chilled out by the river for a bit before an early dinner and early to bed.
I had decided that Thursday was going to be my 1,000km day. If I had of remembered to set my alarm that might have helped… anyway managed a not too late start..
Just out of Euston
it was a little bit chilly but not too bad. Rolled straight through Mildura, my next fuel was planned for Renmark. Along the way I picked up Ron from FarRiders who stopped for a bit in Renmark with me before going off in search of treasure. I had one of the best pies I have ever had there (at the Caltex). Before long it was back on the bike and I headed off to Morgan and then into new territory…
Worlds End Highway
I had always been intrigued when passing the sign for this highway at the other end… so I did it. Was quite a nice detour actually. Also took me away from the horrid weather I had been riding towards!
Worlds End Highway
At Burra I was tricked when the sign pointing into the town was missing so took the long way to the servo.
Heading towards Peterborough the wind picked up again, was a real struggle! Calmed down before Horrock’s Pass and I had a good run down (was trying to find the plaque but I couldn’t find it). A bit of a break in Port Augusta and then out through Kimba. Had been thinking about Ceduna for the night but it had started raining and by the time I got to Poochera I decided that was far enough (I had done my 1,000km by then).
Got a room at the pub and had a nice evening chatting with the publican (and hanging out in front of the fire).
Friday… well I could have gone straight to the border… a day ahead of schedule, oops! The weather was still pretty dreary and I copped rain on and off all day. I stopped at Ceduna for a bit at the BP, got a coffee and just sat out the front watching the world go by. Chicky and two of his mates stopped with me for a bit then some other pommy bloke, all heading for the border.
Eventually I got underway again, Penong for fuel (and to hide from a huge rainstorm that came through) and then onto Nullarbor Roadhouse. It was about 2pm when I got there but I decided to just get a room (not a dodgy donga!) and just chill out and get my washing done.
Nullarbor Plain
Mention had been made by a couple of FarRiders that they had been going to spend the night here as well but I never saw them. Usually the food here is pretty impressive so I ordered spicy beef nachos for dinner…
Spicy Beef Nachos
Worst. Nachos. Ever. No beef. Just salsa dumped on corn chips. And mostly cold.
Saturday morning I had the huge 180km to Border Village to ride. I took it easy. No idea what time I arrived at Border Village but a couple of the FarRiders were already there. I tried to sort out my accommodation (I was to bunk in with Alli and a couple of her friends) but they wouldn’t let me in til everyone was there (they needed to confirm numbers and I didn’t know how many). She mentioned how many beds there were and by my figuring there weren’t enough… eventually she had a cancellation on a donga (which had three single beds) so I grabbed it for $50.00. Turns out that was the right choice as when Alli and co. rocked up the cabin we had was pretty tiny, Alli and Catherine ended up in the donga with me (and we just split the cost amongst all of us).
Everyone arrived in dribs and drabs and it was good to hang out with everyone.
Border Village
We woke up early on Sunday morning and started packing up.
Border Village Donga
We headed back over to the roadhouse. Alli and I farewelled the SA crew and everyone else, then headed back inside for a Border Breakfast… oh yeah 
Border Breakfast
Alli had decided to stay another night at Border Village so she could poke around at Eucla and just generally relax so eventually I set off east.
It was very lonely at the Nullarbor Roadhouse, everyone else had already gone! With such a late start it’s not surprising. The weather was still pretty cold but it managed to stay dry until I was heading to Poochera and it was black as… I was just looking for somewhere good to pull over when a big black bike came past giving me the ‘follow me’ wave… I didn’t at first still looking for somewhere good to pull over to wiggle into the plastic pants but then the rain hit and it was over pretty quickly so I tracked down the big black bike. Turned out it was Ken on the GTR, we fuelled up at Poochera and he continued on, I had grand plans of stopping at the pub again. But that wasn’t to be - no room I was told. Chicky and his mates had been planning to stay up the road a bit further so I rang the place where they were headed and they were full too.. what can you do? Just keep going.
Eventually I ended up in Wudinna at the pub where I had a dinky little single room with a great shower… and Chicky and Bill and Barry were there! They hadn’t been able to get accommodation where they stayed either. worked out well, Wudinna was a great place to stay. Had dinner and into bed.
In the morning I inspected the rear tyre that was getting pretty low and decided to head into Port Augusta to have a chat to the guys at the bike shop. In the end I decided not to risk it and got a brand new Pilot Road 3 put on… for about the same price I would pay in Canberra - big thumbs up to the guys at Great Northern Motorcycles! I left my bike with them and headed over to maccas for some food and encountered Malcolm and his friend there, Malcolm was also getting a new tyre fitted! So we had a bite to eat and then headed back to the bike shop and then…
and then…
I turned off at that giant intersection 
Oh yeah!
I went into Woomera, where I had never been before, not much there!
Woomera, SA
Except for lots of big things in the centre…
Continued on and fetched up at Coober Pedy for the night. Stayed in the underground backpackers again and had a terrible dinner at the place across the road that is supposed to be awesome (I had carbonara and it tasted like glue… )
My initial plan had been to just cross the border to grab a fridge magnet for Jen from NT.
SA/NT Border
Then I thought I might just go for a run out to the rock and then turn back. I stopped at Erldunda and while I was having my lunch here I got on the internet on my phone and read about John’s passing. With a heavy heart I continued north.
My original plan had been to stay at Ti Tree roadhouse. When I got into Alice Springs I thought to call ahead to make sure they had accommodation… and they didn’t! If I went further than that I would run out of daylight, and I didn’t fancy staying at Aileron so I got a room in Alice Springs instead.
As I had approached Alice Springs there was heaps of smoke in the sky… I tried to take a picture.
Alice Springs NT
It was lovely and warm in the Alice!
I woke up the next morning and was debating what to do… do I keep going north and home via western qld? A run out to the rock and back south? I hung around for the tourist shop to open so I could get a fridge magnet for Jen and then I set off south. And about 5km south I chucked a u-ey and went north! lol.
Goin' Troppo
The sun was shining, it was warm and beautiful, just beautiful.
Before long I could see black smoke ahead… I didn’t much like the look of it. Eventually I could see the road went straight through it. Hmmmm. I thought about it and figured if it was dangerous they would have closed the highway, cars were going through OK so I just manned up and went through. Was pretty scary. A big blast of wind from my right blew flames and ash and a big blast of heat at me as I went through… was glad to get out the other side.
I stopped at Wauchope for some lunch and hung around for a bit enjoying the warmth.
I stopped in at Wycliffe Wells and said gidday to the green dudes
Wycliffe Wells
Next was Tennant Creek. My original plan had been to be in Camooweal that night but with staying in Alice Springs the night before, I was a bit behind schedule. I thought I could make Barkly Homestead so I rang there and they had no accommodation left. I will never again go up the guts without my camping gear!
I got into Threeways Roadhouse and it was HOT! Fabulous! I ended up getting a cabin there. It was too early to pull up but given there was nothing at Barkly and Camooweal was some 400km away it would be after dark by the time I got there. So instead I had an icecream and had a nanna nap 
I had ‘tangy meatballs’ for dinner and the chef had asked me to let him know what I thought as it was new on the menu. It was FABULOUS. He was having a hard time convincing the boss as the truckies don’t like to try new things apparently.
It was peak hour at Barkly, had a quick pie for breakfast and headed for QLD.
NT/QLD border
Was sad to be leaving the NT
But was happy to be back in QLD 
Passed through Mt Isa and stopped in Cloncurry. I was hoping to make Winton but there was just no way that was going to happen (I didn’t want to be out on the road on dusk/after dark). So I rang ahead to McKinlay and booked a room at the Walkabout Creek Hotel. Got to the pub and the carpark was full of gravel. Nearly crashed into some dude who just laughed at me, was pretty funny.
The publican directed me to the dongas out the back and warned me that it was quite gravelly out there… he wasn’t wrong! Luckily the dudes staying in the next donga were hanging about and helped me to park. Was ankle deep loose gravelly stuff! Yuck!
Had dinner in the pub with some dude travelling through for work and then early to bed. Not the greatest accommodation but it was OK.
Another bright and sunny morning greeted me… how I love Queensland!
Outback QLD
Just out of McKinlay they were doing roadworks so I got stopped by the lollipop man… great photo op! He offered to take my photo but I don’t need to be in it 
<3 it out here.
So by the time I got into Winton it was like 10am. Far too early for a mixed grill. I stopped at the opal shop and decided to have a look (my sister’s 30th birthday was coming up). I found a very pretty necklace straight away. I looked at everything else but got her the necklace - it was so pretty, I thought she’d love it.
At the BP they were looking for staff… tempted! I have no customer service experience but I can learn, right? Well not this time. Continued on.
Fuel and icecream at Longreach, through Barcy and Blackall and onto Tambo where I got a room at the pub.
Had dinner chatting with the publican where we had a big discussion on all the emus that I had been seeing.
He told me how emus when scared will always run to their nest so I should watch out for them as they would run across the road… not the smartest of animals.
Woke up to the sun shining once more (of course.. it’s Queensland!) and set off, Augathella for fuel
and then I was off into new territory, through Charleville and Cunnamulla.
Crossed back into NSW (sadface) and into Bourke for fuel and a little break. It was 4:20pm when I got fuel and was probably there for about ten minutes max. There were a couple of potential pubs on the road to Nyngan so I set off from Bourke and decided to just wing it for accommodation.
Heading down the road I got startled when a big 4WD overtook me like I was standing still… awesome I thought, pace car, and set off after them, but gave it up shortly after, I just didn’t want to go fast so continued dawdling along at or about the speed limit (like I had been for most of the trip).
About 30km south of Bourke I saw an emu off to my left and he was running away from me. So I started slowing down and looked to my right looking for his buddies who might run across in front of me. There were none so I looked back up and the emu was right in front of me. I had a split second to brake as hard as I could and BAM I hit the emu. Was out of control for a second but then the bike righted itself. I could see a bit of fairing hanging off so went to stop but had no brakes. I wobbled to a stop on the side of the road using my rear brake.
I had a quick assessment of the damage, cracked guard, smashed headlight surround and side fairing. I taped it all back up.
Emu Strike
I looked back up the road and no sign of the emu, I thought he had just run off. There was heaps of feathers all over the road so I went back up to take a photo of all that and then I saw the emu on the side of the road, sitting in the long grass. He tried to get up and couldn’t. So I called WIRES and as soon as the lady answered the phone I was very mature and promptly burst into tears. They were going to get a carer to come out but instead the police came out and shot it. It was getting pretty dark by that point so I hopped on the bike and followed the police car back into Bourke. Parking with no front brakes is a bitch!
The police recommended the pub to stay at (for $50! for a pub room!) I wobbled to a stop outside the pub and it was packed! I tried to get to the bar to enquire about accommodation but couldn’t get near the bar. Crowds was the last thing I felt like so I went to a nearby motel (Major Mitchell) and they had a room so I took that, had a shower and headed to the Bowls Club for dinner. (There are two options for dining out in Bourke - the Pub and the Bowls Club). Had some dinner and then back to bed for an early night - I had planned to attempt to ride home with no brakes if I couldn’t sort an easy fix of them in the morning.
When I woke up the next morning I decided that riding 700+km home with only the rear brake was kinda stupid. I rang the NRMA who told me that although my premium care apparently covers ‘accidents’ to some extent, because my vehicle was damaged due to an ‘impact’ there was to be no help from them. I couldn’t get in touch with my insurance until 9am Monday and nothing in Bourke was open except for the IGA. I arranged to stay another night at the Motel and set off to see the sights of Bourke.
Darling River at Bourke
The River Walk was the hightlight.
It was quite odd walking around the streets of Bourke and in the middle of the day all the sprinklers were going on the front lawns… haven’t seen that since I was a kid due to the water restrictions we have at home.
Eventually Sunday passed and off to the Bowls Club for dinner again (as the pub didn’t do meals on Sundays).
Monday morning dawned bright and sunny (almost as good as QLD). I got onto the insurance company who gave me the number for the Kawasaki Dealer in Dubbo (some 360km away) said to get them to organise getting the bike to them for repairs. They also said I had $500 to get myself home.
I rang the Kawasaki Dealer and spoke to Dale, I explained my predicament to him and he said he would ring me back. When he rang back he said the tow truck couldn’t come today, but would be out tomorrow, or he could come out and get me after he finished work. That was a bit nuts I thought so I said I would wait for the towtruck no worries, sorted out my room for another night at the motel and settled in for another day in Bourke. The Library was open so I went up there and sorted out the claim forms, and had a nice breakfast at the Bakery.
Early afternoon Dale rang me back and said that he was sending his dad out to get me, he’d be there about 5pm. Was a bit odd I thought as the tow truck was already sorted but whatever. The guy in the motel refunded me half my money for the room and I sorted out a room in Dubbo for the night, and a hire car for the next morning to drive back to Canberra.
Dale’s dad turned up and we loaded the bike onto the ute.
Ready to go to Dubbo
And we set off for the 360km back to Dubbo.
Got into the Motel where I had booked my room at about 9pm only to be told he had given my room away hours ago. I was very cranky. Managed to get a room at the Formule 1 across the road though so that was lucky (there was a conference on in Dubbo and some ladies bowls finals or something so accommodation was scarce).
Dale’s dad had thought they might be able to get my brakes fixed so I could ride it home rather than having to come back to get it so I hung around waiting… they finally rang and said they needed some kit which was coming overnight. So I sorted another room with the motel, moved and then went to explore Dubbo. Somewhat more exciting than Bourke I guess.
Sort of had tentative arrangements to catch up with James but it didn’t come to pass.
The next morning I woke up eager to hear how my bike was going. I waited. and waited. Eventually they said the kit didn’t fix it, turned out the disc was warped after all, and a new disc was coming overnight. Another night, another room at the formule 1.
Finally the day my bike was ready to ride home. Discs came in and I was on the road about 11am. The weather was terrible! Cold and wet. Yuck.
Finally got home and got the bike off to CMC for final repairs on the Saturday. Seven weeks later I got him back. YAY!
poor bike