I don’t ride on ANZAC Day anymore so had scheduled in a weekend of absolutely nothing… my sister had plans to be away for the whole weekend… awesome empty house and can just relaaaaax.
I had planned to have the girls around on Saturday night then that changed to Sunday night then I canned it altogether when I decided a few days earlier that I was going to quit smoking… didn’t think that drinking and not smoking was a good mix for me just yet!
It also turned out that my sister wasn’t going away either 
Saturday morning I got up and tried to distract myself by cleaning up… failed and smoked the remaining four cigarettes I had by midday. Ah well, at least they are all out of the house now. Gave up on cleaning and pulled out my longstitch tapestry thing… figured out that I have been working on that for around ten years now and haven’t even finished a third of it (I bought it back when I was married and my ex-husband liked to go out and take lots of drugs and get really drunk all the time and I didn’t so I’d spend a lot of time at home by myself… pick it up every couple of years and do a little bit… I might finish it by the time I’m 60!) Anyway, settled in on the couch for some telly watchin’ and long stitchin’ and it was nice. My sister came home and spent some time also sitting on the couch.
Sunday Glenn came round to have a look at the kitchen and stuff that we want to do round the house. Then after he left Trina asked if I wanted to go to Bunnings, I said no I was going to Stevo’s but then I thought maybe she’d like the company seeing as she still hadn’t heard from her boyfriend even though he’d said he’d spend the weekend with her. So I thought I’d be nice and keep her company instead. We went to Bunnings and Magnet Mart and got some kitchen brochure things (I thought we should go to other places as well but my sister didn’t want to drive that far) so then we went home and I went back to the couch before dinner at mum’s then home. The boyfriend finally called her so he came round then it was annoying being in the loungeroom with them so I went to bed about 9pm, after being informed that the telly was “booked” for the next day… so much for day three of bludging in front of the telly 
So Monday morning my alarm went off cuz I forgot to turn it off. I didn’t fancy being stuck in my room all day so had a look… FarRiders tag was still in Dartmoor Vic, too far for one day, but the Canberra Riders one was at Berry… that’ll do! So I got up, showered, watched a little telly (the sister’s boyfriend hadn’t arrived yet) while I had a coffee then I geared up… and up and up (damn winter) and set off. I didn’t have much of a plan but decided to go down the Clyde and work out which way I’d come home later.
It was really cold heading out to Braidwood and I stopped there to use the toilet (no smoke break which was very weird) and hugged the exhaust for a while cuz my hands were frozen. Then off to the Clyde (hurrah!!!!!) Had an awesome run down apart from near the top, coming around a sharp corner and there was a big arse truck doing about 20km/h with two cars up his arse! Eeeeek glad my brakes work. Wasn’t behind them for long then I had a pretty much clear run to the bottom (heaps of traffic coming up though, which was to be expected I guess given ACT had the public holiday).
Turned left at the roundabout and fuelled up at Cullendulla before heading onto Ulladulla. A pretty good run along here too, bit more traffic but nothing too annoying.
Well that all changed after Ulladulla. Then it sucked arse. We’d do 80km/h… until the overtaking lanes… Then everyone would do 130km/h… *sigh*. This continued on to Berry grrrrr.
Got the tag photo 
and had some donuts… I asked for two, they gave me three and it turned out they charged me for three when I thought about it later. Ah well I ate them all anyway.
There had been heaps of traffic heading south on the princess as well so I thought fark that! and headed up the backroad from Berry to Kangaroo Valley. Was stuck behind a car, thought I had what looked to be a good overtaking spot and the car gunned it… ah well… was probably a good thing as they appeared to know the road fairly well… kinda a good thing with completely unmarked, potholey switchbacks in the road! It was very pretty and we wound our way through to Kangaroo Valley. Fuelled up (again weird with no smoke break) and hopped back on to head up to Fitzroy Falls. Had a clear run to near the bottom but the magical sign of an overtaking lane coming up made me happy :o) until a complete fucktard with canberra plates (of course :roll:) cut me off and proceeded to very slowly move past the car in front of it… grrrrr. So I was behind them for ages until finally I could get round and then around another car and a clear run for the five corners that remained :roll:. And then I was behind three trucks and about 100 cars (felt like, actually I think it was only about 10 - 15). Eventually all the trucks and most of the cars turned off and I got around the remaining cars and had a good run through the Highlands Way and it was cold again by now so stopped in at Marulan and hung out under the hand dryers in the toilets for a bit before saddling back up for the run into canberra. It rained on me a bit here and there but not enough to don the wets. Got into Canberra just in time for coffee, where Carl gave me cigarettes and they were fantastic.
And that was my weekend. Not what I’d planned at all!