Well it was a bit of a chilly start this morning (BOM told me it was 4 degrees as I was getting ready to head out) but the weather forecast was for sunny and 17 here and sunny and 19 down the coast, so the summer jacket was taken back out and off I went. I dragged my arse out to the meet point in Queanbeyan instead of just catching everyone at Bungendore as usual…
We set off down the Kings Highway… it doesn’t have anything on Macs Reef Road so I think I’ll keep finding every one at Bungendore from now on! Good to have a reminder every now and then I guess 
A pretty average sort of run through to Braidwood… we were supposed to be taking it very easy as two patrol cars were noted lurking about in Queanbyean and we thought they were probably off for a morning hunt on the Kings… if they were I didn’t see them! It wasn’t as insane as normal anyway.
Stopped for morning tea in Braidwood which took forever and then finally we were moving again - cruised through to the top of the Clyde and then the fun began 
Glen and Carl were out in front somewhere and James, Rob and I were all together, Rob waved me past then so did James and I was off. Got around the hairpins and then had an absolutely great run down, hardly any traffic. About halfway down I had gotten stuck behind a car for a bit and one of the other dudes (on a Bandit) had caught up to me so I waved him past, then sat with him for the rest of the run down. Carl was very surprised when I turned up at Nelligen so quickly (I checked his smoke he hadn’t started it long before… YAY!)
the Clyde.
Everyone else wasn’t too far behind so after a smoke we all mounted up and continued on to Malua Bay for a burger … yum.
Decided to head back via Moruya and do “the rollercoaster” I ended up right at the back of the group following James, we got separated a bit by traffic but that was cool, was a really good clear run, well at least until the end where some slow dickhead in some ford thing decided to merge into the right lane way early and kinda cut off James…. he went round the outside, finger blazing, and I took them on the now clear left. Into the servo, fuelled up, another smoke break.
I was developing quite a bad headache by this stage so downed some panadol and Rob gave me some earplugs, cheers Rob! Mounted up, continued on our way… rolling over the bridge (was very slow) I looked down and there was my ex lookin up at me… hadn’t seen him in over a year… gave him a wave to be friendly but dunno if he returned the gesture…. anyway… started up the Kings - I was dead last, overtook Cas pretty quick then stuck with James up the hill, with Cas popping into sight every now and then in my mirrors. Was feeling pretty awful but it was a good run up anyway. I even managed to hang on to James going up Government Bend (I’m usually left for dead there) I think he failed to spot the excited gestures I was making…
Continued on into Braidwood for a regroup and another smoke, Rob and the rest of em left to go to the Bungendore Pub and James, Glen, Cas and I hung around for a bit before the boring stretch back to Canberra. Was definitely feeling like shit there, so of course I got the best, most clearest run ever up Smith’s Gap and I couldn’t appreciate it to it’s full potential, a good run along Macs Reef, then home where I fell straight into bed.
A good day’s ride.
I really need to get out riding more! It is very good for the spirit.